Musical chairs changed my life

Musical chairs changed my life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

You know, everyone has their own talents: some speak beautifully, others know how to listen, it so happens that one of my talents is physical endurance and dexterity. What am I talking about? I remember there was a game where everyone had to run around chairs while music was playing, and as soon as the music stopped, they had to take an empty chair. But there were always fewer chairs than participants.

Once at a matinee in kindergarten, my group and I played this game. It just so happened that because of my characteristics I won. It would seem, what could go wrong? But the unexpectedly terrible moment that I still remember was looking into the eyes of those who lost! The mixture of bitterness and resentment that flowed in tears from the eyes of my friends indescribably tormented my soul then. Since then, I have completely lost the feeling of competition. I can't compete with people for anything.

I always came to the rescue of those who were suffering in front of me. As my later saidmother , that I always gathered the “poor” around me. But it’s hard for me to ignore the suffering of others; now, of course, I’ve learned to cut off excessive compassion on my part. But how many times did I get figuratively and literally hit on the head for it? And the funny thing is that as soon as I stopped being a helper for my friends, I immediately lost all value for them. It turned out that by defending outcasts, you yourself become an outcast, even among them. They are annoyed by your superiority, even if you do not demonstrate it intentionally. This is probably another facet to the saying about good intentions and the road to hell.

Don't do like me, be happy.

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