My boss forced me to have sex

My boss forced me to have sex
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I hadfamily , my husband and I are now divorced. The child has grown up. Lives his own life. I am lonely and sometimes began to think about life, about the past. The rhythm of life is different now, more calm. And before, I myself didn’t notice that I was like a driven horse. Child, life, work - everything is on me. And you also need to look good, because you work in public,husband again, the position obliges, as they say. Now I think why I was so stupid, all by myself, no, to be weak.

My story is about something that is embarrassing to admit even to your friends. I slept with my boss. I was afraid that I would get fired and slept. After all, the main budget of the family was on me. I thought with fear how I would be without work. By the way, looking ahead, I will say that my husband left me as soon as I was left without work. You see, it’s easier for him to live alone then, rather than dragging the whole family along.

I quit as soon as I paid off my son’s student loan. The boss forced me to have sex whenever it was convenient for him. Both at work and after. Constantly periodically asked when, they say, you can. When she refused, there was severe pressure. He immediately sent me documents to demote me, recommended someone to take my place, etc. All I had to do was call him from my office and say that I agreed, and the papers were immediately responded to. That's how I was.

You can’t complain to anyone, we have such a mentality that the woman is to blame herself, which means she asked for it, she wanted it, and he was also younger than me. I tried to take everything lightly, didn’t get hung up, but now I feel sorry for myself. A driven horse. I also thought that maybe he would get bored and finally leave me behind, but it took a long time. So you understand, I was already on the verge when, during another refusal, a few days later at a corporate party he began to shout at me that because of me, something went wrong there and I was to blame for all the mistakes.

How tired I am of putting everything into order, again proving in front of my subordinates what exactly was the reason for this or that inconsistency, and that I cannot be the reason at all. This drove him absolutely crazy. We had a general chat on, where he insulted me, I defended myself as best I could. It was hell. Now I see. I clung to the air like someone falling into an abyss. I didn't know what to do. And so every time.

Sometimes I drank a glass of cognac before work, but I decided that if it went like this, I would get drunk. Sometimes I let everything take its course, that is, I agreed to everything he suggested. She allowed me to hug and kiss me in the office. I left it after work.

Sorry if it turned out chaotic. You can judge me, but I spoke out, it’s easier for me. I quit after all. I divorced my husband, but I don’t regret it. He's weak, noa man , not a helper. That's my whole life. Now I work in a small business. I only have enough for bread without butter, but I’m finally free.

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