Tired of my husband's cheating

Tired of my husband's cheating
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I are 20 years apart, for me this is the first, and for him the third.marriage . We met when he was five years old, already divorced, his children from his first two marriages are adults, and he already has grandchildren. My husband is over 50. From the very first days,my husband hid his income very much, we lived in a one-room apartment, although as I later found out, we could afford 5 such apartments.

Before the wedding I hadapartment , I invested 50% from my salary, saved for two years for an apartment, and the rest was given to me by my parents. The apartment was small, but new and in a new building in the capital. When I met my husband, he knew that I bought an apartment before marriage. We started living, a child was born, and we started thinking about expanding our housing. We looked at a good apartment, but my husband said there was no way to buy it. I wanted to help and offered to sell my apartment. The husband immediately agreed, quickly found a lawyer, and they sold it right away, he added money, and bought a large apartment.

My old parents were against it, they said that we shouldn’t do this, that test-antibiotic.com the apartment was bought before the wedding, and she doesn’t ask for porridge, why sell a good one-room apartment. Mom told me on the sly thata man with such a difference in age should not accept such gifts fromgirls , but I didn’t listen, because I really wanted to help him.

UMy husband had an apartment, bought before his marriage to me, but he did not sell, he refused, and the dacha, he also did not sell the dacha, citing that it was needed, but we never went to it. In the end, I decided, due to the fact that he has many children from previous marriages, to register a new apartment for myself and my child, my husband really didn’t want to, he constantly found excuses not to go to the notary. But in the end, I pressed, and we formalized everything.

Now living with him, I began to see that he didn’t want to hear about buying another apartment for our common child. He doesn’t want to hear anything at all about real estate and any acquisitions during marriage. He doesn’t sell his real estate, he hides his real earnings. I so want to live test-antibiotic.com in peace, but I’m tired of his greed. On my part, he agrees to sell real estate, but on his part, he doesn’t want to.

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