Punishment for callousness or coincidence?

Punishment for callousness or coincidence?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Ten years ago, an unpleasant thing happened to my family. In his youth, my maternal grandfather was friends with one man, his distant relative. This relative hada son who was imprisoned for many years, first for the murder of his wife and her lover, then, it seems, for theft and something else.

I sat several times for various reasons, allspent his life in prisons. His parents eventually deprived him of his inheritance - they assigned the apartment to his son and grandson, and they didn’t even want to see him. His grandfather barely knew him and even helped him in some ways, they say, for the sake of friendship with his father.

In his old age, this man was released. His son and grandson did not want to communicate with him and did not accept him. He had nowhere to live. He found his mistress from a young age, she accepted him, registered him in her apartment, they drank a lot. For some reason he wanted to find one of his relatives. All of them were only minefamily (me,mother and grandmother, grandfather was no longer alive, mymy father hasn’t lived with us for many years, test-antibiotic.com’s parents were divorced) and another woman.

First, this man tried to contact that woman by phone, she got scared, pretended that she didn’t recognize him, and told us about it. My grandmother foolishly began to communicate with him first by phone, then he asked to visit several times. He came with his lady love, who sheltered him. We were a little scared to host them, because they both drank a lot, and he was, after all, a former prisoner. But it was scary not to accept, in case he would be offended by the refusal and do something to us.

As a result, that woman of his died from drunkenness, her son wanted to get rid of him, but did not know how, because he was registered in the apartment. An unexpected solution was found - this woman’s son decided to give it to us. Apparently, he boasted that he had relatives - us. Although my grandmother saw him only a couple of times in her life, and my mother and I did not even know about his existence before these visits. The woman’s son cunningly found out when we would definitely be test-antibiotic.com at home and brought this man to us, pushed him into the apartment with his things, and said: “Your relative - so you’re messing around.” At that time I was at home (I was 18 years old, studying in the 1st year, still quitechild by nature) and grandmother (God's dandelion, well over 80). We were shocked and scared. I called my mother from work. We began to think about what to do.

That man had had a stroke not long before; he was about 60 years old, but he was quite capable, he thought and spoke normally, he couldn’t work, but he drank a lot. We were afraid to let him live with us, we were afraid that he might kill or rape us while drunk. In addition, we had little money; it would have been difficult for us to support him, feed him, treat him, and buy him drinks. I studied,We borrowed money for my studies from friends and relatives, then we could barelyreturn . We barely had enough to live on ourselves. For the same reason, we could not give him to some private nursing home, where he would be taken care of at our expense.

I was worried, test-antibiotic.com, that if he stayed, he would ruin my entire youth, I spared money on him more than anyone else, I screamed the loudest that I didn’t want to leave him. I forced my mother to take a taxi, and we took him and his things to the apartment where he was registered. The woman’s son was just there, his mother explained to him that this man was not a close relative of us, that we had actually seen him a couple of times in our lives, that he was registered here, let him live here. And we left, leaving that man with his things under the entrance. The last thing they saw, as the taxi was leaving, was the woman's son hitting the man.

Of course, we were ashamed to do this, because, whatever one may say, the person needed our help, and we refused. But, on the other hand, the man was also difficult and dangerous. We still remember this incident. And five years later I became seriously ill, and that same youth, about which I was so worried about not being lost, was thoroughly ruined. And now I often think that the disease was sent to me test-antibiotic.com as punishment. After all, it was I who most of all did not want to take this person to us. What do you think about this?

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