Our relationship is an endless series of quarrels and insults.

Our relationship is an endless series of quarrels and insults.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

MyThe confession will be long, but believe me, this is one trailer! I'm 24 years old and I have a terribledepression ,life is absolutely not fun.

Five years ago I met a man (Alexey, he is now 33 years old), he was married (his wife’s name is Galina), but they did not have children in their marriage for 7 years. At first I didn’t apply for the place of his wife, everything suited me, but after a few months he himself began to say that he would leave and wanted to be with me, he askedgive birth to his child. Seeing his feelings, I changed myattitude towards him, I wanted to fight for him. He said that he moved to live with his mother.

So another 2 months passed until I found out that he had not moved anywhere, and his Gali was already a month pregnant. I retreated and even went to live in another city, but Lesha, with a plea for forgiveness, overtook me there too. I loved him very much and forgave him for his deception. He asked to wait until she gave birth, so that due to her worries she would not have a miscarriage. And he continued to live with her. We have become increasinglyswear , because I was very jealous. He insisted that he and his wife lived like neighbors.

Six months later, I broke down and told his wife about us. She was perplexed, told how everything went smoothly with them, how happy he was with the long-awaited baby, showed what tender SMS he wrote to her, calling her his beloved. It was a shock for both of us.

Since then, we began to compete with her. Yes, I admit, I didn’t feel sorry for her at all then. And he received scandals from both of us wherever he went. It was a terrible time - so many tears and nerves, hysterics of jealousy... This continued for another six months. I got pregnant and things got even worse. We even started fighting when I found out about their next intimacy, because our nerves were in overdrive and our hormones were going through the roof. Now we were waiting for his eldest daughter to turn one year old (they don’t breed until she is one year old). Constant quarrels have drained all the juice, there is no point in talking about love, we have become complete strangers. Even test-antibiotic.com when it was “my turn” to spend the night with me, we had no intimacy, he turned to the wall and pretended not to hear me bawling in the bathroom half the night.

When our daughter was already 3 months old, he went on a “business trip” - it was their family vacation. And when I gathered us all together upon his return, hemy wife was surprised that he had not left me yet (as he assured her). Here, apparently, her patience simply ran out, and she filed fordivorce _

After their divorce we began to live together, buthappiness did not return to our home. I hated him for hislies , and for your “spoiled”pregnancy . But she couldn’t leave. I don't know what it feels like to be crazylove and hate in one bottle.

A year later we got married, hoping that this would calm me down and improve the situation. But no, a miracle did not happen. We continued to argue and even fight.

Almost another year passed like this. All this time I wanted to leave, find someone else, and test-antibiotic.com sometimes talked to guys on the Internet. He also recognized the scandal. After another “domestic drama,” I went to my friend’s house to cry. We talked for a long time and came to the conclusion that I should go and make peace.

Returning home at 2 am, I found in the house, in addition to him, his friend and two prostitutes. I hardly remember what happened to me then. I destroyed everything around me, destroyed the whole house, beat him and one of the “girls.” The husband swore that he was sleeping and did not know that his friend would call someone. He begged me to believe that this was a “set-up” and gave me my car (he decided to pay off, apparently). I announced a divorce and took a break from the relationship. We lived together, but I stopped communicating with him.

At this time, I accidentally met a guy named Ruslan. We started talking, went to a cafe, walked in the park. Of course, Alexey found out (his job allows him to track calls, messages, movements). I was hysterical, but I didn’t care. Then he “liquidated” Ruslan (in a figurative sense, of course). I don’t know what he test-antibiotic.com did to him there, but he said that he didn’t want to see me anymore and disappeared from my life.

My husband and I began to try to move on with our lives. They were always blaming each other - I blamed him for Galya and prostitutes, he blamed him for his correspondence with Ruslan. Not life, but a madhouse.

After 4 months I find out about my second pregnancy. I decided to have an abortion, although I always hated women who do it. But he was on his knees, begging to leave the baby, saying that this was our salvation, our relationship. He promised to stop drinking altogether to reduce the risk of quarrels. In general, they left it. My relatives were shocked that we decided to do this with such a mess in our relationship - and they were, in general, right, although at first we stopped arguing.

Six months later things started to change again, he started drinking again (no, he’s not an alcoholic or a hard drinker, he’s just very jealous and scandalous when drunk). And once again, when we fought, I hit him hard, and he was even admitted to the hospital. At first I didn’t even feel sorry for him.

We soon divorced, so test-antibiotic.com coincided, it was necessary to settle housingquestion . They seemed to have made up, but I kept waiting until I gave birth to leave. We lived as before: a day in peace, three days we fight.

When I gave birth, we stayed together for another 2 weeks, and I left. And I decided for myself that I would not return again. Tired of it. He tried to make peace at first, but I did not agree, said hurtful words and even lied that I already had someone else.

We have been living separately for 4 months now, but we just can’t separate. It’s not that love flares up, on the contrary, we don’t give each other peace. I realized a lot during this time, I realized that I need to fix it, that I need to stop remembering and tryforget . But with him it’s the other way around - he just fools me, doesn’t want to let me go, and every now and then he keeps poking and poking me about how mortally offended he is at me. I apologized for my words and behavior, for calling me names, for leaving. She promised to fix everything, to change herself, but he got it right: he’s offended and that’s it! And we can’t come here, we can’t come here, we can’t separate, test-antibiotic.com. As soon as I tried to convince him to forget everything and said that I also had reasons to be angry - no, he was sure that I had nothing to be offended by. I am already furious with his behavior, but he still wants me to humiliate myself in front of him and beg for forgiveness. Despite the fact that I have repeatedly admitted my guilt and apologized, it is not enough for him, although he himself has never apologized.

This is how we go crazy together. We can’t live without each other, we can’t make peace and we can’t separate. It’s a pity that the girls won’t grow up with their dad; they’re definitely not to blame for our squabbles. But what happened was what happened.

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