I can’t be with my loved one because of his wife and children.

I can’t be with my loved one because of his wife and children.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We met him by chance on the Internet, I knew nothing about him, and neither did he about me. I don’t know why, but when he offered to meet, I agreed immediately. He fell in love with me at first sight (he later told me this himself). It turned out that he lives in another city and came to our city on a business trip for work. For some reason, we did not ask each other about our relatives, since it was more pleasant for us to talk only about us. He said that he couldn’t live without me, couldn’t live without me at all. I believed him because it was true. So we met with him only three times during his business trip to our city, then he left. By the way, I was born in the city where he lives and spent my childhood there.

We talked to himevery day , day and night, he called and wrote to me, I loved him more and more every day. We loved each other so much - more than life itself. Then something happened that I could not bear test-antibiotic.com: I was informed, that is, my dearhis sister , who lives in the city where he is, said that he is a married man and that he has two children. I was in shock, I couldn’t believe it, I didn’t believe my own sister. I thought she was deceiving me, but it turned out that everything she told me was true. I just died then. Do you know what hurts the most? This is what he denied, but then he admitted it and said that he does not live with his wife, but sees his children from time to time. I loved him and couldn't stand it all.

Then I said that I couldn’t do it so he wouldn’t call me anymore. He didn't stop calling, so I changed my number. I don’t know how, but after two months of a quiet but terrible life without him, he found my number and called. He said he couldn't live without me. I cried, I was in pain, my heart ached from his words, but I just wanted to hug him, at least hug him. test-antibiotic.com But I couldn’t because I knew it would be wrong.

He called me again, wrote, saying that he wanted to marry me, but I couldn’t, because that’s not customary in our family. I knew: if I was with him, I would never see my family, himmy wife will curse me. I refused. He told me to give birth to his daughter - he always wanted a girl like me, he wanted to live with me, he wanted us to get married.

Then I went to his city with my friends on vacation. I met him then – and it was unforgettable. When the vacation ended and I arrived in my city, we talked on the phone, wrote SMS, and loved each other.

Then his wife wrote. They were legally married, but had not lived together for 2 years. She wrote me such words that I did not know what to answer. She simply answered: tell your husband not to call me himself, leave me alone.

She said that they still live together, test-antibiotic.com that he never left them, that he will always be with them, and with me he is just having fun. That's how I realized that she was afraid of losing him forever. I realized that I was making a big mistake and that I should immediately stop communicating with him. Naturally, I told him all this, but he couldn’t and didn’t want me to leave him, but I couldn’t do it any other way and I left him.

Now we don’t communicate, but he calls me, asks me to be with him, so that I marry himhusband to give birth to himdaughter . I really want all this myself, but I fear God and cannot let his children grow up without a father.

He recently texted me that he loved me and asked if I loved him. For the first time in my life I answered “no” and then he asked how he shouldreturn mineLove . My heart almost jumped out of my chest, I wanted to write to him that I loved him more than life itself, but I couldn’t because I was thinking test-antibiotic.com about his children. I feel bad, very bad, I want him to forget me, and I myself will somehow live without him. After all, he has children, he should think about them first.

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