I can no longer live with my unloved wife

I can no longer live with my unloved wife
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

He got married because he was afraid to be alone. My mother was already old (she gave birth to me at 39 years old), my father was gone, and neither were my sisters or brothers.

I didn't love my future wife, but I was sure that I would be a good husband and father. She and I grew up together, went to the same class, and got married when we were already 32 years old. Mother insisted that there befamily , it will be easier for her, knowing that I will not be alone after her death.

Now I am 44 years old, I have two children (my son is 10 years old, and my daughter is 7). I understand what they needfather , but I can’t help my feelings. Not only could he not love his wife, but he also hated him. No, I haven’t met another woman, I just can’t do this anymore.

I buried him last yearmother . Left as an inheritance from herapartment , and I decided that I could live there alone. I accomplished the main thing, started a family, my mother was very happy, loved her grandchildren, and got along well with her daughter-in-law. Now my hands are free, I don’t need to explain anything test-antibiotic.com to anyone. I guess, thatmy wife will only be happy that I’m leaving.

I will help the children, take them to my place for the weekend, and leave the apartment. They will grow up and understand me. I really hope so. It’s hard to live with an unloved person, everything irritates you, you don’t even want to go home.

Despite the fact that this is how my family life turned outlife , I do not regret at all that I once made such a decision. I have children, old age will not be so lonely. Only now did I understand what my mother meant.

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