I can't get over the divorce

I can't get over the divorce
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 28 years old. I was married for 2 years. Everything started out great, but after the wedding it started to decline.

My husband stopped trying and said that he had lost his motivation and didn’t want anything. I switched from one job to another. He blamed me for all the failures. Any attempt to discussproblems , became isolated, locked himself in the bedroom, could not speak for days. One day he announced thatmarriage is not for him, he is tired of everything, he already earns little and cannot support his family when he does not have enough for himself. I sat at home cold and angry for another month, I did everything I could toreturn its location. It didn’t work out, he moved in with his parents and we lived separately for three months.

All this time I was suffering, bored, calling back. His parents live in a neighboring city, mine live in another country. I'm practically alone. My friends have their own families, we rarely see each other, and even then,communication with friends, and in the evening I return to an empty house and cry.

WhenMy husband once again didn’t work out with work in his parents’ city, he met me halfway, said that test-antibiotic.com could be tried first and returned. At first, he had some reserves of money, we paid for housing and food together, we had a common budget (I work too). A month passed, his finances ran out, he again became irritable, silent, began to close himself in the room and just sat on the phone. I asked him to go to work at least somewhere, otherwise my salary alone would simply not be enough for everything. He was indignant that there was no place yet where he wanted to go, and his other job paid less than he was used to, and what was the point of going there.

It's mind boggling! IEvery day I worried about how we would survive in this situation, plus I work in a kindergarten, I constantly catch colds from the children, when I come home I collapse, andMy husband didn’t even clean or cook while he was sitting at home waiting for work. Of course, I was unhappy, I asked him to either get a job somewhere, or at least help me around the house, it’s hard for me.

I went from a cheerful beauty to a tired, nervous woman. My husband got tired of this, and he went back to his parents and got a job there, test-antibiotic.com lives for free,money for myself, he said that you can give it todivorce (for me to file, since he has no time). The reason for leaving, according to him, is that I don’t motivate him, I was different before, cheerful and sexy, now I’ve become gray and uninteresting, and plus it’s not interesting for him to live like that and spend half his salary on our housing. And he doesn’t even worry about how I live here and why.

During my marriage, I loved him very much, did not offend him in any way, was faithful and kind to him. Did you fall in love, or what? Almost a month has passed, I do not live, but exist. I cry and think about him all day long. I don’t see myself with anyone else, I really dream that he will come to his senses and come back. We are husband andwife and separated for some reason unknown to me. How could you say that he loves me, and then move out a week later and not even be interested in how I am?

I understand that he won’t change and he doesn’t need me, but it hurts me so much, most of all I want him to call test-antibiotic.com and say that he regrets breaking up. But days go by and this does not happen. I can't pull myself together.

Thanks for listening.

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