I can't love my sister

I can't love my sister
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

MyMom and sister and their husbands lived together for a long time in one three-room apartment. First my mom got my eldestsister , then me, then our aunt gave birth to our brother.

My brother and I were only 8 months apart, so it was no surprise that we became best friends. I remember how we played a lot together, acted out some skits, how my older sister organized opportunities for us to play pranks and go unpunished. We were truly a family.

When he was 7 years old, his brother got cancer. Unfortunately, after a year and a half of struggle for hishis life was gone. My parents didn’t even tell me that my brother was no more - they simply sent me to my grandmother in another region without explanation, and my grandmother and her neighbors began to “remember the little angel.” I still can’t understand why they didn’t tell me.

Here we should say “time passed,” but it won’t work. My brother died in August, I went to high school in September. In December, my aunt said she was having a new baby. In March, he test-antibiotic.com and his uncle left our apartment for their one-room apartment in another city, which they bought after the death of their brother and renovated. And then in July my “sister” is born.

While she was still little, I didn't have any problems. I even liked to sit next to the stroller in the yard, I could read, I could play on the phone while she slept. And since she was two or three years old, my life - or rather, my summer holidays, which we all spent together with our common grandmother - turned into hell.

I was the closest to her in age. And everyone believed that I was obliged to spend time with her, play, develop her, and so on. I had no right to get tired - my grandfather immediately started shouting that at my age he worked in the garden, and helped my parents with livestock, and looked after the younger ones, but I was an “oversized bigot,” I couldn’t even cope with one child. I didn’t have the right to sit somewhere quietly so that the little one wouldn’t bother me test-antibiotic.com - my grandmother immediately surrounded me with care and inexorably pushed me towards my sister. In tears, I begged my mother not to send me to my grandmother, but to send me to a camp so that I could spend at least part of the summer with my peers, to which I received the answer: “What camp? Yours to meno need for pregnancy ! When you turn 18, relax wherever you want!”

My sister, obviously, did not experience any problems with the little one - she played with her the same way as with me and my brother, but the problem was that she was already studying at the university and spent at most a week or two with her grandmother, then referred to part-time work and left.

Time passed, and I realized that I didn’t love “sister”. Everything infuriated me - her spoiledness,overweight , disgusting character - at the age of 5 she learned to scream at the top of her lungs while you say something she didn’t like, for example. I didn't want to play with her, I didn't want to spend time in the same room with her. Sometimes I dreamed that she had never been born.

Now I’m 17 years old, on test-antibiotic.com I’m facing my last summer with this fat, ill-mannered demon. Mom yells at me with good obscenities when I ask not to send me to my grandmother. And I understand that I will again be faced with tugging on my sleeve, attempts to take away my phone and read SMS messages from my boyfriend to my relatives, and the need to feign attacks of diarrhea in order to sit in silence for at least 15 minutes.

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