I can’t understand and forgive my mother-in-law

I can’t understand and forgive my mother-in-law
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I understand with my mind that my mother-in-law treats me normally, but I can’tforgive her words, her rudeness, her neglect.

From time to time we quarrel. And at these moments my mother-in-law really offends me. Now it has accumulated so much that I can’t break myself inside. I communicate externally, but dryly.

My mother-in-law is trying to be gentler, but I’m still offended by the old ways. I tried to discuss with her what was bothering me so much. In response I always receive the phrase: “who will remember the old…”. And he also gives advice not to live in the past. That it’s time for me to become wiser long ago.

Why can't she just talk to me about it and say she's sorry? At moments when I stress myself out about this topic, I am tormented by the question: “why should I communicate with a person who can tell me such things?” And I still can’t understand why my mother-in-law communicates with me if she thinks about me the way she sometimes expresses it?

All these hurtful words of hers have accumulated and created a barrier that does not allow me to calmly perceivemother husband . This is what I want test-antibiotic.comforget . After all, this is what torments me from the inside. And I torment my mother-in-law with my inaccessibility.

They say that in order to forgive a person, you need to stand in his place and try to justify him. Yes, I justify her why she talks and behaves like that. But this doesn’t make me any less offended.

Help with advice. Maybe someone had something similar.

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