I can't forgive my husband

I can't forgive my husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have been living together for 8 months, and a week ago on Thursday the marriage was registered, without a celebration, we decided so ourselves. The next day, Friday, instead of celebrating our joint celebration, he went to hockey and came home drunk. He refused my offer to go with me on my business, and I left alone. He then calls me and asks: “Where are you?” I say that I went theremy husband asked me to pass the phone to the taxi driver, and he confirmed at what address he picked it up and where he was taking it. I told him that I would be home soon, but then my friend called me.sister and says: “if you are somewhere nearby, then come to me, let’s sit and talk.”

I went to see her, chatted, whined, drank wine, and went home. My husband was sleeping and I went to the kitchen, sat there alone for a while, cried that he was like this, and went to bed, just lay down when I felt a blow to the head with a fist and my husband yelled: “I’ll kill you!” And so several strong blows to the head. Then he went out onto test-antibiotic.com street, at that moment I called the police and closed the door. I wrote a statement and removed the beatings. The district police officer said he wouldcourt . I gave him a week to apologize, but he just called me a couple of times, said hi, how are you, I said, I didn’t hit you, it wasn’t like that. I answered: “But how could it not be if I woke up from you hitting me on the head.” I’m just in shock, it’s very painful and offensive, I so wanted to have a family with him. I love him, but I understand that there is no need to return everything back, that everything is useless, because the man did not even apologize and did not admit that he was to blame for me.

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