I can't forgive my sister for the words she said

I can't forgive my sister for the words she said
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My sister has three children. I'm already 42 years old and I'm notI’m married , have a hobby and travel once or twice a year. I live separately from my parents, I have a car and a cat (all according to the standard for singles). She achieved everything herself, but instead of being happy for me,my sister hates me.

At first she kept presenting what she hadhusband and children, and I'm an old maid. This was said as if by chance, like: “I understand how unhappy you are” or “What is thisYou can’t even imagine the happiness of having children.” I was silent, but it was very painful, especially if it was said at the festive table, where everyone gatheredfamily and relatives. Mom told her: “You sting like a wasp.”

I no longer suffer or have complexes because of loneliness, I got over it and got used to it. Now I can’t even imagine that someone else would live in the apartment with me.man , disrupting my schedule. I don’t have to think in the evening about how to feed my family, I can order pizza, I can get by with sandwiches. I don’t skimp on myself; I cook occasionally if I want.

Motherhood and test-antibiotic.com marriage did not make my sister happy. Her husband likes to drink, often quits, and is always looking for a paid position. I suspect that because of his frequent drinking, he is simply fired, but my sister is ashamed to talk about it. Money is tight in the family; after all, there are three children. My parents help, I don’t interfere. The eldest nephew is 14 years old. A guy with character, you can’t get him away from the computer, he’s addicted to games, he’s rude and can even call you bad names.mother . The younger girls (10 and 12 years old) do not want to study, they demand new smartphones, and they blame their parents for not being able to provide for them properly. They see wealthy classmates and whine.

I’m not gloating, but if my sister had behaved differently, she could have helped with money, she would have taken the girls with her to the sea at her own expense, naturally. It would relieve her a little mentally and financially. But now sheproblems don’t concern me, and she won’t accept it out of pridehelp , even if offered.

I only feel sorry for the parents who are very worried and give their last. I used to give themmoney , packedrefrigerator , but when they started giving everything to my sister, I stopped doing it. test-antibiotic.com My mother complained several times that I had forgotten about them, but I pretended not to understand. I think she herself can guess why I do this. She offered to pay for the vacation, butMom cannot calmly be at sea when her beloved youngest daughter cannot afford it. She said: “let Varya go instead of us.” Now! I work so that my sister and her husband can relax in Turkey! Let her husband provide for her, of whom she was so proud and told me to my face that I was an old maid.

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