Can't make the right choice

Can't make the right choice
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have already posted mine here.confession , and the essence of the story was that being with a person for almost four years, the relationship did not lead to a successful outcome. The reason was that a person often ran back and forth (from me to his rented accommodation), not wanting to move in together and create a full-fledged family, have children. He argued this by the fact that he was not used to living in women's territory, since his housing was rented, and I have my ownapartment , in my opinion, it was logical to live with me.

I concluded that these are just excuses on his part, and the person simply does not want to take responsibility, before that he was already married and has a child, and said that he did not want to pay alimony for another child. But, even knowing my needs in terms of the family, he still did not want to end the relationship with me, and often behaved like an abuser, manipulated. It got to the point that in a drunken state, he began to raise his hand to me. I didn’t beat with my fists, but I could push to make me fall. Where did my patience end.

At the moment, having been alone for some time, attempts began to establish a new relationship. I am 32 years old, I have my own housing, work with an average income. I have a pleasant appearance, I have an education, but I don’t work in my specialty. I met a man a year younger. Outwardly, I liked him, he was normal in communication. But he has nothing - no apartment, no car, no normal work, he lives with his mother in a rented apartment. He also has two children from two different women.

I am not chasing the wealthy, but, nevertheless, I believe that in thirty-odd years a person should stand more steadily on his feet. By the way, the former, although he also did not have his own apartment, and had a child from his first marriage, but at the same time he had two cars, never depended on his parents and always strove for independence and independence.

Communication with men with higher incomes is not tied up, the reason is their high conceit and sometimes even arrogance. May hint at sex on the first date. In the case of the person with whom he is now communicating, he behaves delicately, gives flowers, does not hint at anything. Naturally, he understands that even such behavior will repel me completely.

I don't know what decision to make. End this communication immediately, while no one has had time to get used to each other, or continue? I don't think what's important in lifemoney , it matters what kind of person, but we live in the material world, andproblems with wealth always affect human behavior.

If you end the conversation, how to do it delicately?

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