I can’t put up with my husband’s frequent drinking

I can’t put up with my husband’s frequent drinking
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 34 years old, my husband is 39. My husband drinksevery day a little vodka (200 grams), and on the weekends until you are in a state of intoxication.

We have 2 children, a son is 8 years old, a daughter is almost 5. We have been living together for almost 10 years. He had drank before, as he said, “for appetite” and drank with friends on the weekends, but this had never happened before to such a state that he just crawled home.

When he doesn't drinkMy husband is a wonderful person, he can cook food, clean the apartment, help with laundry, and take out the trash; he used to do renovations in the apartment himself. But as soon as he drinks, drunken tears immediately begin: “Nobody needs me,” “Nobody understands me,” etc. Thank God, he hasn’t raised his hand against me or the children yet. He comes after work and has a couple of drinks. I askedstop drinking , doesn’t listen, and yet his blood pressure has already started to fluctuate, and doesn’t want to go to the doctor. Is there any way to get him to stop drinking?

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