I can't come to terms with my parents' divorce

I can't come to terms with my parents' divorce
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was 10 years old when my parents divorced, and my brother was only 8. They divorced because my dad came home drunk and raised his hand to my mother (he didn’t hit, he just raised him). It seemsMom got very angry about this and decided to file fordivorce . I think this is a stupid decision, and my mother may be selfish.

After the divorce, my dad fought with my grandfather, and he is very angry (and he lives with us). And there was also one like thisa quarrel at my grandmother's funeral (she was very close to me, and it was even harder for me because at the last moment of her life I was at school, and not with her). So my dad's parents didn't come to the funeral, and my mom thought it was ignorant.

I don't know all the details, and I don't want to know. Because my mom and dad told me all this, they told me differently, they missed some details, and I don’t even know who to believe.

Now I live with my mother, I am 13 years old, 3 years have passed, but they test-antibiotic.com are still quarreling. Mom likes to tell me bad things about dad. I also always agreed with my mother’s opinions, even if I didn’t like them. And so I think that everyone wants something from each other, I don’t know why I’m writing this, most likely because it’s just very hard for me.

How I hate this. I don’t even need to talk about this in detail. I'm just a teenager going through my parents' divorce. And I have no one to talk to about it or cry on someone’s shoulder. I know I'm not the only one who feels like thisProblems . But sometimes I just want to be an orphan or not be born at all.

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