I can't cope with the hysteria when taking the driving test

I can't cope with the hysteria when taking the driving test
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I recently started learning to drive. My family never had a car. Just one time a friend let me steer. I did it and I liked it.

But I didn’t dare for a long time, mainly because of money, but when I started earning enough, I went to study. There were ups and downs in training. I liked it and there were times when I wanted to quit.

I passed the internal exam the second time. There have never been any problems with the theory. I was only afraid of the city. But I couldn’t even pass the site to the traffic police the third time. There were no problems with the site on the inside.

The first time I fell into a parallel parking spot. Of course, she was upset, but she understood what was wrong with herproblems . And for the third time I failed on the first exercise.

And I’m so upset that in class everything on the site is just perfect, but in the exam it’s not at all. And now I can’t even think about driving and exams. My tears immediately flow and I begin to become hysterical. And I absolutely don’t care anymore whether I have rights or not.

I don't test-antibiotic.com know how to deal with this hysteria. Mythe man says: “don’t worry, rest, then you’ll pass.” And I can’t even think about it without crying. He also says that rights are a must for every person. I don't agree with him.

It would probably be easier for me if he said: “don’t worry about these rights, who needs them?” AlsoMom constantly repeats that a lot of money was spent on this study.

But these are completely minemoney . I don't feel sorry for them. I just want to stop crying at the mention of driving and tests.

I don’t know if this is related or not, but for example, when I participated in some competitions, my results in competitions were always worse than in training. Although they always say that it should be the other way around.

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