I can't cope with my seven year old son

I can't cope with my seven year old son
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I can’t find a common language with my son. I have two children - the eldest is 7 years old, the youngest is only 2 years old. The son was always very emotional, whiny, hysterical. But every year it becomes more difficult to find a common language with him. The reaction to everything is like that of a three-year-old child. My son cries more during the day than my youngestdaughter .

There are constant comparisons with my sister. Becausemy son went to school, he needs to do his homework and assignments. We approach this through hysterics. All I constantly hear is “I want to play”, “why Ira (sister ) is playing, and I have to do my homework.” You try to calmly explain that they have a big difference in age, he is seven and already big, and she is still small, that when my sister is 7 years old, she will also go to school and do her homework. You explain that when he was that age (2 years old), he also played carefree. You use yourself as an example at his age. Nothing helps.

He constantly bullies his daughter, showing off his toys or something else. Naturally, a small child wants what test-antibiotic.com shows. Hysteria begins. Almost every morning starts with a bad mood. It is snowing -mom is to blame. The wind blows in our faces when we go to school - it’s mom’s fault. We’re going to school, he ran ahead, of course we didn’t look at our feet, he fell. Who is guilty? Mother .

He absolutely cannot talk to adults. I don’t know how to explain that I shouldn’t behave this way.a child who is seven years old. She spoke calmly and talked. He says that he understands everything, but after a while everything starts all over again. I swore and screamed (I know it’s impossible, but I don’t have the patience to listen to everything), the outcome is the same.

What is he protesting against? How to find an approach to it? Tiredswear , tired of crying. There is practically no support. My dad is in the military and is almost never at home. Grandma only spoils us, we live far from each other, and she doesn’t see everything that’s happening. Hands up.

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