I can't go and leave my father alone

I can't go and leave my father alone
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Lera, I'm 15 years old. Three and a half years ago, my parents divorced, I stayed to live with my father, and my youngestsister - with mother. Both of them are currently unmarried. I finished the tenth grade and am now moving on to the eleventh. It rises completely naturallyquestion about my further studies and higher education. There are different options: I can stay in my city, or I can go to another area. And everything would be fine, but what haunts me is that if I leave, mythe father will be left completely alone.

I understand that in this situation I take on the role of a parent, that my dad is an adult and independent person, he can take care of himself, but I can’t do anything about it. Dad had a hard timedivorce , he loved his mother, and so far he has not been able to find his true happy mutuallove . And my heart breaks when I think about him being left all alone. But someday, sooner or later, I will have to leave, test-antibiotic.com I know this.

My father doesn’t want me to worry about his fate, he doesn’t want me to worry about him and waste my nerves on it. And I can't help but think about it. Because of this, I'm even embarrassed to start my ownrelationship , even if not now, but in the future it will be a serious problem, and all because I don’t want to remind him of his loneliness. Love is very important to my dad.

I know that my father is a strong man, an adult. He's not some kind of weakling. And I also understand that he is a parent, and Ichild , and not vice versa. But for me it doesn't change anything. I can't help it, I can't help but think about it.

From the outside, perhaps this all seems frivolous, a made-up idea, a teenage fad, and not a real problem. But for me it's really all very difficult. I can’t talk about this with any of my parents, let alone my grandparents. Girlfriends here are in no way suitable test-antibiotic.com for advisers. But I really need someone's advice. This is a really serious problem for me. I will be very grateful for yourhelp .

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