This is not the kind of daughter-in-law I dreamed of

This is not the kind of daughter-in-law I dreamed of
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My only son is 20 years old, and he recently started dating a much older girl - she is 27 years old. As soon as I found out, I began to dissuade Artem from thisgirls , but my persuasion did not bring results. He said that he was already an adult and would decide for himself who he should date and whom he would marry.

My husband took the neutral side, although I could see that he didn’t like it either. Maybe he's afraid of ruining itrelationship with my son or just male solidarity, I don’t know, but it really hurts me. In addition, I learned that she was from an incomplete, if not dysfunctional, family. Her parents divorced a long time ago, and hermother likes to drink. Not an alcoholic, but still. This is not the kind of daughter-in-law and matchmaker I dreamed of. Son to studyHe takes pocket money from us, demanding more and more every day. I understand that he spends it on her.

Why am I being punished like this? Yesterday he came home and said that they decided to live together, but since they don’t have their own housing, they can only live with us or with her mother. I can't even imagine thisthe girl lived in our family, but also to admit thatmy son will leave home, and even join that family, I just can’t. The husband offers to rent an apartment for them, pay for it themselves, maybe living together will help his son understand that this girl is not a match for him.

Artem once brought her to our house to introduce her. Well, what can I say, I didn’t like her, she was kind of withdrawn, poorly dressed, and besides, she also works as a simple salesman in a store. Our son is studying at the university, I’m afraid that because of her he might quit his studies in order to go to work and provide for them. I decided to talk to her frankly so that she would find another guy who would be at least her same age, but I’m afraid that she will tell Artem and then he will not forgive me for interfering in hislife . I have no one to ask for advice, although I have plenty of friends, but just give them food for conversation, then everyone will know about it. But I still hope,, that my son will understand and find himself a girl worthy of him, and not an old maid. Maybe I’m wrong, you can judge me, but I’m still a mother, I worry about my child and wish him happiness.

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