Can't arrange my personal life

Can't arrange my personal life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm already approaching 30, and I've never been in a serious relationship. They didn’t make serious plans for me, or sometimes they deceived me at first, and after a couple of months they said that there was no love. AllThe relationships that I had (and there were few of them) lasted only a couple of months, there were exceptions for a year, but the relationship was very strained and difficult. They didn’t appreciate me at all, they saw each other once a week. Everything always followed the same scenario:Over time, the guy practically stopped maintaining conversations in correspondence, calling, and rarely agreed to meet. Ignoration ensued.

For my part, I never even started conflicts, but compromised. I tried to do everything to make the relationship develop, but in the end they left saying that they didn’t love me. I no longer believe that relationships could ever be different, that they could love me. Despite my good looks and good character, guys don't like me at all. I don't know what to do anymore. It’s hard when a guy you’ve already made plans for in your mind leaves.

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