I don't understand my husband's interest in his ex-girlfriend

I don't understand my husband's interest in his ex-girlfriend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 35 years old, I want to tell and share what has been gnawing at me for several months now. Imarried 9 years,I love my husband , he also loves me and my children. He really wanted a family, children too. My husband and I seem to be pretty evenrelationships ,there is understanding , family comfort and romance are present, everything is fine with intimacy. Sometimes, of course, we quarrel, but without delay we make up immediately.

The other day we were watching a series together on an iPad, and thenmy husband wanted to show me an interesting link to a funny video, which he liked. And he has this video on his profile on one of the social networks. Here, in front of me, my husband entered his profile, and I accidentally saw that in the search, his ex’s name and surname appeared in his historygirls (we met 9 years ago, even before me).

I realized that my husband was interested and for some reason found her on social media. networks, I don’t know why. I didn’t like it very much, it became unpleasant. I didn’t say anything, but in my heart I started scratching like cats. I love my husband , I trust him, but I just don’t test-antibiotic.com understand why I should enter a name into a search engine and look for my ex, as if interested in her life?

Maybe I should have said it right away and asked, why are you so interested? But I didn’t even show that I saw her name. I just want to share my ridiculous situation.

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