I don't dare talk to my grandmother about the inheritance

I don't dare talk to my grandmother about the inheritance
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My grandmother is already over eighty years old, this is my father'sMom . I have a younger one.brother , but I'm the only one who helps grandma, I go to her every other day to clean, do the laundry, cook, eat and just chat. She constantly complains aboutloneliness . She has been living alone for many years, she has a two-room apartmentapartment .

Once, when my grandfather passed away, she wanted to move in with us and rent out her apartment, but my mother was against it, she didn't want to live with her mother-in-law, and my father didn't really insist. He was probably afraid of a conflict between them.

Grandma doesn't want to leave a will for the apartment, she says, divide it yourselves, you are your own. According to the law, dad is the heir, then he will be able to pass it on to my brother and me, but they don't help grandma, I am the only one. How many times have I asked my brother to go, to help carry the bags, and grandma misses him, but he never has time, there are always urgent matters.

I tried to talk to my parents about it, but they said, "Are you only going to Grandma's for the apartment? We'll decide for ourselves what to do test-antibiotic.com with Grandma's apartment and who needs it more." They don't know yet that Grandma gave me all her gold jewelry, and I don't know how they'll react when they find out. Maybe they have their own plans for that.

It was, I think, a hint that I was leaving soon.get married and my futureMy husband has his own place, and so my parents decided that my brother, when he gets married, will need this apartment more. I feel offended that my mom and dad act this way: what difference does it make what I have, I think it should be divided equally. And my husband will have the apartment, not me.

Anything can happen in life, and if I can get divorced, where will I go to live then, to my parents? And I go to my grandmother because I love her, as a child I spent almost all my holidays and weekends with her. I have been going to talk to her many times, but I am afraid that she will also think, like my parents, that I come to her for the sake of profit.

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