I don't dare tell my friend the truth

I don't dare tell my friend the truth
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My friend Vika and I have been working together (we became friends here) for five years. Two years ago a new girl came to us,The girl is beautiful and sociable. Marina also dressed fashionably and expensively, and we all immediately thought thatHer husband is a businessman, because you can’t afford that on our salary. But one day Marina admitted to us that she was dating a married man, and it was he who gave her expensive gifts. She tells her husband that her parents are helping her, she is alone in the family. She asked her parents to confirm if her husband asked, she said that she was buying it atmoney from part-time jobs that the husband doesn’t know about. I then thought that how could she not be afraid that the truth would one day be revealed.

In the team, many were envious, and many condemned, like minea friend who has recently had a familylife was not going well and she was very worried about it. She said that her husband often stayed late at work and spent his weekends either in the garage or fishing, and became inattentive and irritable. Marina, it seemed to me, was even proud of test-antibiotic.com about this. She often told the details of their meetings, where they were, what gifts she gave, what she called him today. Recently Marina brought us to show, and at the same time to show off, a gold ring, a gift from her lover forbirthday . She was a little worried about how to explain the next decoration to her husband.

A week later, my friend was on sick leave, I left work alone and saw a car drive up to Marina, who was waiting, I immediately guessed that it was hers.lover like hersMy husband didn't have a car. Whenthe man came out to open the door for her, I was horrified to recognize him as my husbandgirlfriends . He kissed her, there was a bouquet of roses on the seat, they didn’t notice me. I couldn’t calm down the whole evening and decide what to do. In the end, I decided not to tell Vika anything, but to talk to Marina, but I’m afraid that this won’t help. I don’t know what to do, and I have no one to consult with.

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