Not all cheating should be condemned

Not all cheating should be condemned
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am against cheating, I myself experienced this in my first marriage and for the same reason I divorced and lefthusband , butlife made me look at everything from a different perspective.

I was the mistress of my current husband, I could say I stole him. Before throwing stones at me, just listen to me and our story, and then draw conclusions about who is right and who is wrong.

My current husband and I have known each other since college; we studied at different courses, but communicated in the same company. After college, as often happens, we ran away, being friends as friends, and life andfamily is the main thing, especially since both he and I hadrelationship . He married that girl, I took him away from her, I also left hergot married , but bitterly regretted it.

Mythe marriage did not work out right away, there was everything - scandals, reproaches, insults, humiliation,lies , betrayal, beatings and even attempted drunken rape. In general, I applied fordivorce and leftmy husband immediately found someone else and blamed for everything, making me look not only like an extreme person, but also like a wanderer. I met my future husband three years after the divorce. We started communicating again, the old relationship returnedfriendship and we became closer, and the new difficulties that befell us only brought us closer together. The same thing began in his family that I once experienced. Hishis wife got on his nerves, lied to his face, corresponded with others, and then cheated on him and almost openly began to live on two fronts. At that moment I appeared in his life again.

With great difficulty I managed to pull him out of depression and survive it all, but later everything turned upside down, I became seriously illMom , and he already helped me get out of trouble. When all the troubles were over and the husband had already filed for divorce from his ex-wife, she ran out ofaffair on the sideher lover left her, and she suddenly remembered that she had not yetMarried . As you probably understood, she suddenly decided to fight for her husband and presented everything in in such a light that he was a cheater, and she was a victim, that she loved him, she was ready for everythingforgive and accept back, but I am such a creature and a homewrecker, trying with all my might to break up their family.

When she found out that he filed for divorce, she went crazy and did things that were simply dark. She swallowed pills, she cut her veins, she either insulted him and spat hatred, or screamed about love and begged him to come back. His ex tried to turn all his relatives and friends against him, but it didn’t work, everyone knew the whole story and no one stood up against him. With great difficulty and nerves, we managed to get a divorce, my husband left everything to her and left with practically nothing; in fact, we bought her off. Next was our wedding,pregnancy and the long-awaited, hard-won, tortured happy family life.

Now I want to say the following. Yes, we were lovers and started a relationship when he was still married, but there is one big “but”. His ex-wife then withdrew and had an affair with her lover and generally lived with her lover. Secondly, our relationship was not my husband’s revenge on his ex-wife’s infidelities. We didn’t hide, we didn’t hide, we didn’t play spies and didn’t make dates in rented apartments and hotel rooms for the sake of sex and in the name of sex. While my husband’s ex-wife was having a blast with her lover, my husband and I were already living together as a family. The husband tried to save that marriage, but anyone who has experienced betrayal knows that cheaters are selfish and morally low people who can only think about themselves. It was the same with his ex-wife, she heard and saw only herself and her desires, in the end she killed all his feelings and all the good things he had for her.

Regarding my husband’s infidelity towards his ex-wife, I’ll be honest, there was no intimacy before filing for divorce, we lived together, we made plans forfuture and dealt with everything together, but there was no intimacy. Firstly, we were exhausted then, we had to go through a lot, not only her betrayal (we experienced her betrayal together, first as friends and close people, and only then after falling in love with each other). We survived and besides this, quite a lot, and my mother was cured of a serious illness, and a bunch of serious complications of my husband’s diabetes from nerves, in general, we drank in full. Secondly, although we didn’t talk about this topic, didn’t discuss it, we probably both didn’t want to start family life from the dirt. Only when they had already filed for divorce did they start living an intimate life.

Yes, I was a mistress, and it’s fair to say that I took advantage of the moment and the betrayal of my husband’s ex-wife to be with him, but it wasn’t purposefully so that “he’s mine now, not hers, I waited, I fussed.” No, it all started with friendship, with support, with understanding and human kindness and human attitude towards each other. I didn’t have a goal to take him away from the family, I didn’t want anything bad for his ex-wife, I was just next to him when she betrayed him and turned away, I was next to him as a friend, as a close person. I heard him, I understood him and supported him as best I could, helped him, initially I just wanted to help him, because he is a good person, very good, he was not a stranger to me. Love was discovered later, and passion even later.

In our case, we have nothing to be ashamed of, we did not break up families, we did not lie to anyone, we did not use anyone and did not play with anyone’s feelings and hearts. Yes, our relationship began when my husband was already married, but this marriage was dead even then and it was not the husband who destroyed it. We began our family life openly and honestly without dirt, even if formally this is considered treason, but in fact my husband was already a free man then because his ex was living with someone else.

I want to say one thing, don’t judge people without knowing everything. Things are not always as they may seem. At first, my husband and I were also condemned and we made excuses, explained to our friends and relatives how everything really was and is, only later, when everyone already knew everything, they stopped blaming and condemning us. There is no need to label people without knowing them and their lives; a person is not always really guilty of what he is accused of. First of all, we must remain human and act humanely.

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