I don't want to be a servant to my husband's daughter

I don't want to be a servant to my husband's daughter
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have been living with my common-law husband for 8 years; he hasdaughter 13 years old. I met him when he no longer lived with his wife, and she found someone else, I didn’t break up the family. The daughter first lived with her mother, and when she gave birth to her second child, she gave the girl to her mother (grandmother). The child was not allowed to see her husband; he paid alimony, buttook the moneyMom constantly turned the child against us, and this happened all the time.

She decided six months ago to give her to us, because she separated from her second husband and moved to live with her mother, she said that there was no place for her daughter to live there. The girl lived with us for three months, barely communicated with her mother, but now she started going to her mother every weekend, and she comes back, twisted against me. She doesn’t really want to help, I’m at work from morning to evening, I ask you to sweep (the most basichelp as much as the child can) but completely ignore.

Was herbirthday , I completely prepared everything, and my mother came to visit without test-antibiotic.com helping me in any way, I walked around the house wearing dirty shoes, there were so many guests, everything fell on my shoulders, but I didn’t earn any gratitude. She studies very poorlyher husband allows her to sit on his head; he is satisfied with the mess in the house and her boorish behavior. He says that if I don’t like something, then I can leave.

How should I hit? I feel like a servant.

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