I don’t want to communicate with my mother and invite her to my wedding

I don’t want to communicate with my mother and invite her to my wedding
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Svetlana, I'm 25 years old. Since childhood, I have not “felt” my mother in the family. The family was complete, normal, they didn’t live richly, but they didn’t really need anything. From my childhood memories of my relationship with my mother, I remember only her screams for any offense and frequent assault. She always said that I was ugly, my hair was bad, my teeth were crooked. I was very afraid of her and still am. At school I got grades 4 and 5, subjects were easy. I dreamed of going far away to study, to break away from my family. She left. I studied worse at university. In my second year I became pregnant, took an academic leave, and returned to my parents. Mom helped with the child and raised him herself until he was 4 years old.

She did not allow me to transfer to correspondence classes, but at the same time she did not forget to reproach me for hanging my child around her neck. My studies didn’t work out; I was expelled in the 4th year. I went to work as a waiter. My son stayed with my mother (we are in different parts of the world). She also did not miss the opportunity to prick me with the fact that I had not achieved anything in my life test-antibiotic.com and therefore I could calmly eat leftovers from the tables, but if I had finished my studies, I would have sat higher and softer. I reinstated myself as a part-time student and continued to work in the same field.

Mymy family didn’t help me financially, and the reproaches and barbs about my work didn’t stop. Let me explain why I chose to work as a waiter - the shift schedule was convenient for me, they didn’t require much knowledge and professional skills, and the income was enough for housing, food, clothing, etc. Soon I met a young man, we started living together, I didn’t tell my parents about it, because I knew that I wouldn’t get approval. Two months later we went together to my parents. My momI didn’t like the guy - he doesn’t laugh like that, he doesn’t stand like that, he doesn’t speak like that; Later she asked me - they say, you haven’t been together for long, maybe you’ll leave him? Why did you immediately start living together? It was necessary to meet for a while, to woo her, give her flowers, and take her to restaurants. I said that I was not going to leave him.

This happened in August. By test-antibiotic.com the end of December we decided to take my son and live together. My mother didn’t give it to me; the police took it away. Then she threatened to sue me - take the child, pay me compensation for raising him. I told her that she could go tocourt , write a statement that they will award me, then I will pay. She, of course, did not go anywhere, did not write anything.

My grandmother dies in March, hermother , - it’s my fault - I took the child, sowed discord in the family. In June, the guy’s parents and I are going to my parents to introduce them. We talk about the wedding, we come to the conclusion that the wedding can be held in a year (the year of mourning after the death of my grandmother). During this year, sometimes they took my son to my parents for a week, but they took him away after 2-3 weeks - every week.Mom asked me to leave some more, I gave in. In March of this year we went to commemorate the anniversary of my grandmother’s death. Mom asked to leave her grandson again for a week. That same week my dad arrived (he works in the north and test-antibiotic.com is at home once 3-4 months), my mother calls and asks for another week, I agree. My boyfriend is leaving on a business trip, I call my parents at the weekend and ask if they can bring me my son, my mother asks for another week, I give in.

By the next weekend I call my parents again and ask the same question.question and invite you to visit us and my boyfriend’s parents to discuss the wedding. Mom gives me my week again and plus a bucket of dirt that I’m allIn my life I’m looking for better parents, but I don’t value mine. She said that she was not going to listen to what strangers would tell her, she needed to hear what I specifically wanted. That is, I had to explain to her that we were planning a wedding and what I wanted from them. She remembered all my sins, yelled and hung up. I agree with my MCH’s father that we will go the day after tomorrow morning and pick up my son. The next morning my mother calls me and says that they will come and bring their son themselves.

Mom asked me to be home alone test-antibiotic.com and told them how and what I wanted. I had never told her anything before, but this was forced and even more so. We quarreled and went to MCH’s parents for lunch. There his mother started talking about the wedding. My mother said that I didn’t tell them anything, and they don’t know what is needed from them and no one invited them. In general, the whole conversation boiled down to the fact that his mother said - let's get the children married, and mine - but then she did this and that. A vicious circle.

As a result, my mother said that we had nothing to talk about, they got up and went to the car. The boy's parents went to see them off. Behind the gate the same song continued for another 10 minutes as at the table. My mother’s mother couldn’t stand it and said that it’s enough to throw mud at the girl, what kind of relatives are you? She turned around and left.

Actually, on this lyrical note, we began to prepare for the wedding on our own. It’s getting to the point where I need to bring invitations to my relatives, but I really don’t want to test-antibiotic.com see my mother and invite her to the wedding. I don’t want to see her on the day of the celebration, I don’t want her to help me choose a dress, get dressed, bless me and generally be around.

I don't want to make peace with my mother. We haven’t communicated for 3 years now (this is since I was expelled from the university) and there’s no need to. I graduated from college, I have a job, I have a family. What else do you need? I don’t know what to do best in this situation.

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