Not life, just a nightmare

Not life, just a nightmare
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Just recently I came across this wonderful site, and I had the opportunity to talk about my life, while remaining almost completely anonymous. It's just some kind of gift from above. Finally I have the opportunity to talk about everything that is happening in my life.

I am 17 years old. I was born into an incomplete, poor (if not to say destitute) family. I don’t know anything about my own father except his name, because my parents were not officially married and “father” abandoned me before I was born. I will probably never be able to find it, although it would be extremely interesting.

Then minemy mother dated several other men, as a result of which my two younger sisters were born. She was not married to any of these three people, from which we can conclude that we are all illegitimate. We all have dashes in the “father” column on our birth certificates. But the sisters know their “fathers” and have even seen them in person, but I haven’t.

13 years ago, my grandmother (who loved me very much) died from the heart because she smoked a lot. I attended her funeral. I know everything about my grandfather, but I have never seen his face, because he disappeared before I was born. I went to see friends and never returned. Around 2003, at the age of 13, my uncle died of a cold. And just recently, on October 2, 2020, my second uncle died under the wheels of a car when he went out drunk on the highway at night. Before this, he had been in accidents more than once (he drank a lot and heavily after the death of his mother), but remained alive. This time he was unlucky. He lived in intensive care for several days and died from his wounds.

I don’t know much about the other relatives. Thus, for various reasons, almost all of my relatives died, went missing, or were killed. Only my mother and two younger sisters remained. Almost the entire family was exterminated. At the age of 17, I only completed 9 grades, since I started school at 8 years old.

Now I live in a village, although I myself am urban. I moved here from the city in the winter of 2014. The house was bought with maternity capital, built in 1950. No repairs have been made here since our arrival, the condition of the house is terrible. The house has only one room and a kitchen, the sewerage system has not worked for a long time, and the toilet is outside. Mom doesn’t work anywhere and the monastery helps us. They bring it to usproducts ,money , things, they also pay for utilities and, in principle, for almost everything, since there is no one else to help us.

I have no idea what I should do in this situation and I would like to hear your opinion and maybe evenadvice on how to get out of this swamp at least a little. Thank you to everyone who had the patience to read this to the end. Maybe I'm exaggerating and someone has a harder life?

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