Unchildish pranks

Unchildish pranks
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It all started about 20 years ago, when I was a teenager. On someone's stupid initiative, I can't remember who in our group suggested it, shoplifting became a measure of "youthful prowess". No, we didn't steal anything serious - at most chewing gum, candy and the like. Self-service supermarkets were just starting to appear then, and it was very unusual to find yourself alone with the goods. It seemed to us then that there was practically no control, and you could not put everything out at the checkout.

We would all get together and brag about who had managed to steal what. The main criterion for skill was not the cost of the stolen item, but its size. It was necessary to discreetly hide the goods under clothing, and the larger it was, the more difficult it was, naturally. For many months, Kostik, myneighbor in the entrance. He managed to sneak out a rather impressive-sized box of corn sticks. How the skinny guy hid such a thing under his jacket, we couldn't understand, but everything was fair, we watched from the street, the box didn't fit through the cash register.

Every now and then someone from test-antibiotic.com would catch us. Of course, no one would make a fuss, since we were minors and the cost of the stolen goods was a pittance. But getting caught meant a big drop in the yard rating. That was the kind of stupid fun that juvenile kleptomaniacs had.

Many years have passed since then, we have all grown up, each of our yard gang has their own path, someone has left, I meet someone regularly and we laughingly remember childhood fun. But neither my childhood friends, nor my current friends, nor myThe family doesn't know that I haven't abandoned this method of raising the level of adrenaline in the blood.

Some people buy sports cars or motorcycles in pursuit of thrills, some bungee jump, some go mountain climbing or inject drugs into a vein, and for some it’s enough to just have a plump mistress. But I need to steal to get my energy up. I know that this is more of a mental illness, because I have no need to steal. I earn a lot of money, and this is a hobby orsport , a childhood hobby. I knew what I was in danger of if I got caught, but I couldn't stop. The only thing I could test-antibiotic.com was limit myself in the frequency of such events, I tried to "go hunting" no more than once a month.

To be honest, store security has very little chance of dealing with me: another hobby of mine is magic tricks. All that is called "sleight of hand". In addition, before the "raid" I carefully study the location of the surveillance cameras in the store and based on this I choose the shelf and the victim product. Not once in twenty years have I been suspected, although among the things I have taken out there are such, by no means small things, as a welding machine or a set of saucepans. But still I decided to quit, I just calculated that the cost of what I stole, those "souvenirs" that are now lying in my garage, exceeds a thousand dollars. And how much has been given away to friends and acquaintances! And surely thesemoney was deducted from someone's salary - our greedy owners of retail chains are not used to writing off anything, there will always be an employee guilty of losses.

So I'm changing my hobby to something less criminal. I hope I can do it. Thanks for listening.

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