Uninteresting games with my husband

Uninteresting games with my husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Two years ago myhusband started playing a popular online game. I played for a couple of months, then I noticed that he always had ICQ open. And after checking our computer, I found files with messages to a certain Tatiana in the city of Odessa: congratulations on her birthday, all sorts of postcards with his poems, where he signed with a fake last name. As is customary for us women, I checked my phone. I found a text message. And the last one: “I’m coming to you, my love.”

I couldn’t contain my anger and started a huge scandal. But, being a practical woman, she saved this Tanya’s number for herself. He explained everything like this: they say, in the chat of his online game he became friends with one guy, he began to complain that he suspected his wife of infidelity and asked for minehusband check it “for lice.” As a result, my husband became interested in “bringing the light out” to the fullest extent: I could walk around the apartment naked - he didn’t notice me, he sat all in correspondence with this...

Looks like we've sorted it out. Out of jealousy, I also wrote to this fidgety woman from my phone on behalf of my husband, saying that I wouldn’t come -wife won’t let me in. She is in shock-test-antibiotic.com - what kind of wife? And then I wrote to her on my own behalf that no one needed her, and my hubby just ordered her to check and that it was not in vain that he did it.

But minerelationships with her husband never improved. My husband became indifferent to me, then he began to receive some suspicious text messages again, he began to stay late at work under various pretexts... All summer he showed up 2 -3 times a week at home and said that there is a lot of work - the season is in full swing.

I tried to talk to him calmly. As a result, they “agreed” to live separately, saying that he was tired, but he did not have a mistress. I had no choice but to end this conversation.

After the New Year holidays, I found his gift from another woman. And a postcard in which she writes how grateful she is to my husband that in the fall he brought musical equipment to her and her brother and gave her a subscription to the solarium at a local prestigious beauty salon. And then he told me that he bought it for himself and would write music in the studio. Moreover, this happened very unexpectedly, he usually test-antibiotic.com shared his plans with me, and he wasn’t that interested in music... And it’s also written how she chose cologne for him and wants him to smell delicious! Well, a lot of things, but obviously aboutsex not a word.

Again we have a conversation that smoothly turns into a scandal. This time I agreed to live separately with him. He moved out, but regularly visits his son and takes him for rides in his car. And I cry every time. Recently I demanded that he give me the keys to my apartment and my wedding ring. I'm tired of all this, I'm confused and I want to stop this nightmare.

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