Hatred for daughter-in-law

Hatred for daughter-in-law
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

After reading a story where an adultmy son doesn’t want to communicate with his mother, I’ll tell you about the relationships in our family. I'm the eldestmother's daughter . The family is large and their only, long-awaited and beloved son is mine.Brother . And when he got married, I watched until myMom was adequate, her war with her daughter-in-law, her hatred and then mutual hatred (daughter-in-law is far from a gift). How torn the brother was between them! My children were still schoolchildren, and I learned from my mother’s example how to “don’t.” Mother always tried to drag us daughters into conflict. The beloved son has a mother, like why do you need a son,wife (by the way, I often read such opinions here too!).

Once I intervened when my daughter-in-law pushed her (they live in private houses across the fence), warning her that if she lets her hands go again, I’ll twist her head. The war was started and led by my mother, if she had not constantly interfered with them, they would have lived and lived. I immediately told my mother: “You don’t like her, turn away, don’t notice and don’t communicate. Leave test-antibiotic.com them alone." She replied: “We’ll see how it goes for ourselves.” And so it was - we don’t fight with our daughter-in-law, we talk and see each other once a year. My son got married, I tried to make it workrelationship , I didn’t find a reciprocal desire, well, okay, whatever you want, dear, I’m not intrusive. Everything is quiet and peaceful without any hassle. She never turned her son against her, that’s why he comes to me so that I don’t buzz in my ears against her. This is his wife, he chose her for himself, not for me. We communicate with our son constantly.

The main thing is for the mother-in-law and mother-in-law to understand that this is not hersfamily , and the family of her adult child. Don't go! And what, there is nothing to do in life if you do not participate in the lives of children, if the children decide thatdon't need a mother ? Why run after them and humiliate yourself? Will anything change? There will only be anger and irritation, or even hatred in response. So we need to look for options.

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