An unusual declaration of love during the war

An unusual declaration of love during the war
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It's been several years since I read different stories on this site. And now the time has come when I decided to post my own love story. Very, very unusual. Completely devoid of any element of eroticism. And probably the most beautiful.

The first time I fell in love at the age of 11 with a classmate whose parents occupied a very high social position in the then communist society. When I turned 17, this very high social position of her family rose “to the skies” -the father of my “beloved” became the second person in the newly independent state, a former Soviet republic. During all this time, I have never found the right moment to confess my love to her, showing a rather distant attitude towards her all these years.attitude . Almost all of my classmates, without exception, would now be very surprised to learn that I had been passionately in love with her all these years. The strangest thing is that I continued to love her in my heart for many years after I got married and had children.

You may ask: why for many years I showed a rather distant attitude towards her? Reply to thisThe question may seem unusual and strange at the same time. The fact is that I had a terrible complex due to the huge, enormous difference in the social status of our families. After many years, I came to the conclusion that this was my biggest mistake in life! And the worst thing about this story is that our feelings were mutual. How do I know this? The fact is that we had a conversation during which she tried to find out what my real feelings were for her. Then I was almost ready to confess my love to her, but at the very last moment I changed my mind. This was our last meeting in life.

At the moment, I know absolutely nothing about her, except that she immigrated to America in 2000. I couldn’t find any information about her on any social network. My heart tells me that she is no longer alive...

The main event, let's say, is of a sentimental nature, which prompted me to write this test-antibiotic.comconfession , happened this month. I was invited by an old acquaintance to a certain public event, where a certain refugee from Ukraine was supposed to speak as a direct witness to the fighting on the territory of this country. From what she told everyone present (about 50 people), it became extremely clear to everyone that the conduct of military operations is a deeply traumatic event for the psyche, at least for the civilian population, especially for the female part of it. She spoke for a long time, about an hour and a half, and everyone, including me, listened to her speech very carefully. While she was speaking, I noted the amazing spiritual harmony between us, literally feeling how some amazing inner peace settled in my heart, in my soul.

After the end of this public event, I stayed, so to speak, for a “tea party,” during which I began to ask various questions regarding the current difficult situation in the neighboring country. Of course, she answered all my questions with the utmost delicacy. And at one fine moment of our communication, I got the feeling that, on the one hand, we had known each other for a long time, and on the other, that we were the same age (in reality there is a fantastically huge age difference between us).

In the evening I went to bed. That night I had a very dreama strange dream. I found out that somewhere nearby a house in excellent condition was being sold, the price of which was so many thousands of our national currency. I exclaimed in my dream: “So this is very cheap! This simply cannot happen!” After a few days, I realized that the price of this house was the same as the age difference between us.

The next day I noticed how my heart began to beat strongly in my chest. I remembered that I already had this a long time ago - at the age of 11. Then this heartbeat began, and it continued for many years. And for many years after my marriage, I was tormented by the same question: “If I had had the courage to confess my love then, would my fate have really taken a completely different direction?”

That is why, in order to avoid another huge mistake in life, I decided to confess my love in such a completely unusual way, without mentioning my or her name, my or her age, the social event at which we met, my specific role in this event, our age difference, the country, respectively the city where this action takes place, and many other references that would simplify the solution to this “riddle”.

“Greetings to you, My Beautiful! You know, when people, it doesn't mean that they or even one of them wants it. This is a completely involuntary process. Also, this does not mean at all that in the foreseeable future they must necessarily reach bed relationships. Each person has his own Destiny, designed by the Higher Powers in heaven. The purpose of this is the multilateral development of man in this life. Of course, this multilateral development is also realized through social contacts with different people. Of course, with some these contacts are closer, with others not. Love , when it comes, is not a game at all, as many people believe, but on the contrary, it is the Most Serious “event” in the life of every person. People don’t understand this because they are unconscious, that is, they live as if in a dream. Love is the most important exam in the life of every person living on this planet, and the rest of his life depends on how a person passes this . For me, this exam fell very early, at the age of 11, when I developed bed skills.relationship is almost impossible. Unfortunately, I did not pass this exam on either the first, nor the thousandth, nor the millionth attempt. I couldn’t imagine then that I would think about this man for decades! It was truly an amazing torture of the mind... That is why my life turned out rather unsuccessfully, I was not able to decipher this huge sign of fate. My existential dream turned out to be too strong even when we met “by chance” on the street in a huge city, although this was practically impossible, because at that moment her father was already the second (immediately after the president) person in the state. I realized very late, compared to you, that “there are no coincidences in life.”

I don’t know how this will all end, because it depends not only on me. I declare to you that I do not have any carnal intentions regarding your person. This is completely out of the question. I'm still convinced that my firstlove would not necessarily end in the registry office. But I think that if I had passed this “exam” then, it would have led to my multifaceted development, including spiritual growth. My goal is to pass this next life exam with an “A”, this time in a conscious state of mind and spirit.

At the end of this declaration of love, I bless you and all the people who make up, or will in the future make up your immediate, or vice versa, distant surroundings. Be happy!"

I proceed from the fact that if the beats of my heart in the present time are of the greatest importance in my future fate, then in some miraculous way she will definitely read this confession and understand that it was about her. I know for sure that I will receive feedback from her. Otherwise, if I don’t receive an answer in the near future, then everything I wrote here is nothing more than “the madness of my mind.”

May God grant that in the near future only “crazy people” of this category remain on our vast planet, and that those “crazy people” who are currently wiping out entire cities from the face of the earth will completely disappear. Let it be so!

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