An unexpected war with neighbors in a cottage community

An unexpected war with neighbors in a cottage community
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

When we moved to a new cottage community, everything started well and joyfully: construction, renovation, meeting new people, new prospects and advantages. We got the cats we dreamed of.

But for some reason our neighbors didn’t like us. And our cats are even more so. This turned out to be an accident: I was at home, and a neighbor, thinking that no one was there, threw a stone at my cat. On myremarking that you can shoo the cat, and not throw stones, she began to scream that everything was drying up in her garden. I still don’t understand what the connection is. We have clayey, acidic soil; naturally, nothing grows; they didn’t bring in black soil or humus; they’re probably saving money. Although they have enough time, energy and money to show off: they seeded the lawn in front of the house, quickly built a garage and put up a solid fence.

This situation was just an excuse, a trigger. Out of anger, the neighbor decided to poison our cats, but she only poisoned the neighbor’s dog. We began to follow her, but we have not yet been able to catch her hand.

I was actually shocked when I saw how these strange neighbors were pouring sewage water into the bed of the stream, which is located next to our fence. This all ends up in the groundwater, which we all drink (we have our own well). My husband and I quickly filled out an application with a photo on it. They came from the administration, we showed them everything, they said that they would forward everything to the village council. But the neighbors, as they leaked all this, are still leaking it, and we are now enemies for them. They found something to save on, they are clearly not poor people, they were the first to install a garage, a bathhouse, they have a pension, and they make good money doing repairs.

One more thing: they steal everything, they even stole the drainage hose from us. At first, they even stole humus from us, which we bought, but did not have time to dilute, and they carried it with carts without hesitation. My husband saw this by accident when he unexpectedly stopped home at lunchtime on business.

We have not yet planned to install a solid and high fence, but apparently there is no other way. Strange people, how is this possible? Do they have a conscience? Contacting the local police officer is an extra headachepain and aggravation of the conflict, but there’s no way to let get away with these bastards either. Tell me, please, what to do?

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