A sister's unexpectedly revealed secret about her son from another man

A sister's unexpectedly revealed secret about her son from another man
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This is a story from my sister's life. I probably would not have decided to write it if I had not seen similar confessions here.

My sister is 58 years old. She and herher husband , who is 10 years older than her, is already retired and everything would be fine if not for this story.

Old friends came to us for the May holidayssister's husband - a married couple. In the evening we sat down to play cards and began to remember how we lived in our youth. Unfortunately for my sister , they brought old photos. There were photos from the wedding and photos with small children, friends, and holidays.

A friend took a photo of her sister’s eldest son at the age of 5 and suddenly said: “Listen, what is this of yours?”Doesn’t your son look like your husband at all?” The sister turned pale and said that she was making everything up.

But the friend did not let up: “You remember, Kostya was in our company. He always devoured you with his eyes. I thought you hadnovel . In general, I think that your eldest is Kostya’s son.”

My sister stopped playing, said she was tired and left. Friends gathered and test-antibiotic.com also went to their place. Two days later they left and I came to my sister. All these days she was not herself. For a long time I could not believe what she told me.

Kostya was a friend of her husband and was 5 years younger than him. When the future husband introduced his sister to Kostya. She realized at first glance that he really liked her. She likes him too.

But the wedding was fixed andmy sister did not find the strength to refuse her. And Kostya, apparently, did not confess his love to her. He was at the wedding, but I didn’t notice that he was very worried then. But apparently he controlled himself well.

Then the newlyweds had all sorts of parties for a whole year and Kostya was always present at them, when alone, when he brought some girl or friend. But he always tried to sit next to his sister, follow her into the kitchen, help bring some dish, etc. My sister always behaved very reservedly in public, and my sister’s husband did not suspect her of anything.

Then my sister became pregnant and test-antibiotic.com gave birth to a son. She showed me one photo that was hidden behind a wrapper in her notebook. A smiling, enthusiastic Kostya holds her son in his arms.

The sister admitted that the son was not from her husband, but from her lover. It turned out that they met secretly, took precautions, but one day she deceived Kostya with the timing and got pregnant on purpose.

She loved him so much, but for some reason she didn’t trust him as a man and a person. He says because he persuaded her to cheat, and did not just take her hand and lead her away, making a marriage proposal.

The son grew up, and Kostya sometimes came to visit his sister, played with the child and always dreamily said to her: “If this were our son...”. His sister never told him that.

That's why their paths diverged. The sister gave birth to a second son - he was a copy of her husband. My sister always joked: the first son is his mother’s, and the second is his father’s. But the husband seemed to feel that the son was not his:relations with the elder were strained, and then became completely bad.

My sister’s husband always, when he was angry with his elder, told test-antibiotic.com to me how much he did not love him and did not understand him. The son paid back in kind.

Kostya died last year. He was married twice and had no children. The sister secretly went to the funeral and says that she did not approach the grave until everyone had left. She told her husband that she went to the funeral of a classmate.

Now my sister doesn’t know what to do. She is rightly afraid that her friend will tell her husband about her guesses. Or maybe the husband even heard it by chance, because... he sat down and went to his friend in the forestry, without explaining anything to anyone. I just left a note that I was going on vacation. Today, a friend called and said that her husband also went to the forestry to visit a mutual friend.

I'm scared to imagine what will happen to my sister and her husband. The sister said that with Kostya’s death, she hoped that the secret would not come to light.

I was perplexed how all these years my sister did not feel any remorse and acted as if nothing had happened, that even her relatives had no suspicions.

She said that a long time ago she convinced test-antibiotic.com even herself that she did not cheat on her husband and did not give birth to a child from another. And even for 15 years I didn’t remember either the betrayal or Kostya. I didn’t tell anyone. She lived cheerfully and calmly.

This is such a sad life story. Yes, the boomerang arrived when it was no longer expected. What will happen to her and her husband?

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