An unexpected proposal for a meeting from a male acquaintance

An unexpected proposal for a meeting from a male acquaintance
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was impressed by the stories of married women on and decided to ask for outside advice about my situation.

I have been living with my husband for 5 years, we cohabit without an official marriage. The reason is more documentary, so as not to marry, he really wanted me to marry him. We are both 35 years old. I haveson from a previous marriage. Our family is normal, without scandals, we do everything together around the house, shopping and everyday life. True, there was one case last year when I was very crushed and broken. I became pregnant, and he suggested having an abortion, since he couldn’t support me financially while I was on maternity leave. And the entire family budget will be at risk. At first I was shocked, then I came to terms with it. Then we closed this topic and don’t raise it again. I don’t want to give birth alone again and then ask my old parents for help. But I can’t cope with two children alone, since my parents are completely dependent on me. In my previous marriage, I was also left alone after the wedding and pregnancy with my son, and I know,, what it’s like to be a single mother.

I am working,the husband is not there, he looks after the child (sections, school, etc.) The house is clean, the animals (a cat, fish are under supervision), the hands grow from that place (and he will do repairs and cook dinner). The apartment is rented. Sometimes he earns money through odd jobs (repairs, finishing, etc.) I don’t even want to discuss the fact that he works officially. There are no jobs, without education and a military ID they won’t hire you anywhere. There were more attempts to find him a job than necessary. But he has no desire to work for pennies, he wanted to open his own business, but there is no money, I cannot afford to take such risks, since the budget is on me. But we realized that it would be more comfortable for the family to switch roles and leave the idea of ​​his “work” until better times. I work as a lawyer and earn good money.

And at one of the court hearings I met one opponent whothe trial and lost (well, it wasn’t my fault, it was necessary). He somehow found my landline phone number and called me at work. Looks nice 30-35 year oldman (it is not clear whether he is married or not, has children or not). Then we exchanged a few words, and he asked me for a business meeting. But from the conversation I realized that this meeting would not have a business format. And to put it mildly, she refused. Then a month later he calls again on his cell phone, and again the conversation is about nothing, a hint about a meeting in a business format. I didn’t sharply refuse, but I didn’t agree either. And, in general, this “dance” began every month. That is, once a month he calls me. The rest of the days there is silence, he’s not even on WhatsApp, although I didn’t look for him. And it's been like this for six months. The conversation also ends with nothing, like “let’s call you” and that’s it.

Recently, something happened to my sonproblems , and he called at that time, I abruptly ended the conversation and promised to call back later. It's been 2 days already. I do not know what to do. It seems like I want to call and talk. But something is holding me back. I'm not a girl and I understand perfectly well that he needs one thing. But I don’t need this, I don’t want to cheat on my husband. I don’t know what’s going on in my soul, what does this man really need from me, besides banal sex. On the other hand, why spend so much time calling me if he really wants to go to the left of his wife (if she exists, of course). It's clear that Imarried and have children, why does he need it? Or maybe he really just wants to communicate and be friends (as in one of the conversations he said that he, like everyone else, needs a lawyer he knows, and I, like everyone else, need connections in his field).

There are so many questions in my head: what to do, try to communicate and then understand what he needs? Or maybe then I’ll show him that I’m not a worthy woman? And what will it look like from the outside? What will he think of me? Or send him to hell, there are so many free women, let him go to them. And then how can I look my husband in the eyes if I go to this meeting?

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