An untold toast to my future mother-in-law

An untold toast to my future mother-in-law
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 4 years. He is currently in the army, but I am in contact with his parents. And since my parents are divorced, I often call his mother. She is, of course, a person with a difficult character, and before this incident we still had conflicts and misunderstandings, in all cases she was the initiator. And exactly what happened this time.

I invited them to my parents’ house for the New Year , they set the table, got ready, and she came all full of pathos, I won’t eat this, I don’t want to eat this. My parents made a toast tothe health and successful service of my boyfriend, and they said nothing in response, only dad said toasts (so you understand, in Armenia it is customary to always say a toast when visiting a given person for the first time). They also came with their grandson (child of the eldest daughter) and did not even warn us.

Everything didn't go as I planned. My parents were disappointed in them, and I, too, told everything in tears.guy , he understood me and also considered their behavior indecent. Then he talked to his father only about the toast, because we decided so, so as not to escalate the situation, he talked about itmy father probably told his mother, and she was offended by me. Why don’t they understand that they behaved incorrectly and disrespectfully towards my parents and me? She is also offended by me.

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