I can no longer tolerate my husband's regular binges.

I can no longer tolerate my husband's regular binges.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I have been married for 5 years and have a wonderfuldaughter , she is 4 years old. He is 10 years older (soon 40). The marriage is simply bursting at the seams. I'm thinking about divorce.

He had problems with alcohol before marriage (I’m his thirdwife ), but when we met, we were dating, so we didn’t live together, and I didn’t understand their scale. When we got married, I decided that “love will fix everything,” but it seems as I get older, I realize how stupid I was.

He drinks according to the following scheme: 4-7 weeks work, 4-7 daysbinge ,hangover (work allows you to take vacations, he is a taxi driver). When he drinks, he becomes unbearable. He dances to a chanson, demands that everyone dance, then drinks again, then calls someone, gets ready to go somewhere, then beat someone, then save his “bro,” then knocks on the walls, then cries. Once he drinks a bottle of beer , he can't stop. And you can’t stand in his way; maybe you can hit him in the eye (this happened once) or simply threaten. When my daughter was six months old, she wanted to break up, he promised to improve, he even got into trouble. And I didn’t drink for two years. But for more than a year test-antibiotic.com has returned to old habits and I can’t stand it anymore.

It’s not so much about the drinking bouts (although this is terrible, because I don’t drink myself), but about his behavior during the drinking bout. He lies that he didn’t drink, while the drunk still howls, constantly gets drunk, then turns him up, lets him go, and drinks again until the personal ones run outmoney . Binge drinking always begins unexpectedly for me. I go to work, and he takes a day off (or a planned day off) and off we go! I don’t go anywhere anymore except for family matters. I'm constantly afraid that I'll get drunk again. For example, on Sunday I need to go to work, he stays with his daughter, he has a day off, I come home from work, andthe child ate candy and watched cartoons all day, and dad ran for beer . He loves his daughter, earns money, but it doesn’t accumulate.

After each binge, he says that he realized the mistake, and he will try to ensure that this does not happen again. He's lying. Repeats itself every time. It's scary to go anywhere with him. We went to the forest with tents for 3 days, he got drunk, sobered up with less pain test-antibiotic.com just before leaving. And I am essentially myself with two children (daughter andhusband ). How to live with such a husband. I’m tired of his irresponsibility, I think it’s obligatory to pay the rent, then you can drink the garden. I never know when the next binge will be, and what he will do, what a surprise. I want another child, but I’ll never make the decision with such a person, because I can’t believe even in the little things. It’s difficult to ask him for something, it’s immediately a scandal like, I’m working, and here you are asking me to buy bread on the way. I want to develop, travel, strive, and he has 3 desires - work, fishing,alcohol .

When I say that something needs to be changed, he gets offended, you see, he’s an excellent husband, there are othersthey drink every day , and I give you compliments every day! This is a bummer, you see, he apologizes with words and compliments with words. What is the use of these words and promises? Once in 4 years the two of us went to the cinema, and she lured us in, one might say, by force. Zero romance.

I'm tired of forgiving, I just can't anymoreforgive me , especially test-antibiotic.com that his divorced friend adds fuel to the fire. He has already drunk his wife and child away and now lives freely. After a binge andSearches for “masseuses” and outgoing calls began to appear on my husband ’s phone. Caught it three times. He says that he and his friend were joking, arguing, or that the friend took the phone. But that's not the worst thing. It’s scary that my daughter loves him, but I can’t forgive him. And I’m afraid to get a divorce, I’m afraid to carry a child myself, but I don’t even have the strength to look at his lying face. I feel like I deserve more than a drunk with whom I have nothing to talk about. I'm degrading with him. I'm falling to the very bottom of the social ladder. Constantly eating stress. Family is for things to be better together, for support, but here it is, you can’t rely on it.

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