There is no joy from the little daughter, only irritation

There is no joy from the little daughter, only irritation
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have a nine month olddaughter Nastya, I’m 28 years old, my husband is 30. Since the birth of my daughter, I can’t get rid of the thought that we shouldn’t have had a child. I wanted children in the future, but our valiant state medicine planted my femalehealth , and in a private clinicThe question of pregnancy was posed in such a way that it was either now or it would be too late.

We decided, I gave birth. I have never experienced any joy from her existence, in all areas of my daughter has become a burden to me. My husband and I are goodThe relationship is falling apart even though he helps me with the child. We are facing expensive renovations in our new apartment, but we are sorely short of money. Previously, I worked equally with my husband, and everything was fine, now his income has dropped and I can’t work anymore, or rather, after the birth of my daughter, I also worked from home for 4 months, but I couldn’t mentally put up with it. I’m not even able to really take care of myself and sleep peacefully - my daughter always demands my presence nearby, even when she’s just playing on the floor, she doesn’t play with me, she just wants me to sit next to her and look at her , I can’t even get distracted on my smartphone.

At night she often wakes up screaming; after birth she slept better than now. The regime doesn’t work, she constantly resists it, although her body is adjusted, sedatives have the opposite effect, the cry-it-out method doesn’t work either, since every minute she gets even more excited. With all this, all the doctors say thatthe child is healthy in all respects. But I don’t feel healthy anymore. Insomnia, terrible fatigue, aggression towards the child, I even had auditory hallucinations. My husband doesn’t want to look for another job, I can’t go to work. I can't afford a nanny. I contacted a psychologist, but even there I encountered a financial problem. How can I survive to nursery with Nastya without breaking down during her next hysterics, I don’t know.

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