There is no warmth in the relationship with my husband that I had with my ex-boyfriend

There is no warmth in the relationship with my husband that I had with my ex-boyfriend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

When I was 19 years old I had a boy who loved me very much. We were in a relationship, but I loved him more as a brother and friend, a kind of friend zone.

It turned out that while I was still in a relationship with him, I met my futurehusband , and I don’t think there’s any need to explain further. Despite everything, we parted with the boy on good terms, he forgave and let go. My husband and I are still together, in generalhappy marriage nowthe relationship is even better than it has ever been. But then I met that boy by chance, he had long since turned into a handsome, courageous guy, we talked as if these years had never happened and we went our separate ways.

And everything seems to be fine, wonderful, andfamily , and relationships are wonderful, andbaby growsbeloved , but something very important is missing. My husband and I are still strangers. With all this picture of a happy family, there is no family behind it, as if we live in different worlds and in the evenings we just briefly intersect. There is no spiritual closeness between us that is so lacking, there is no understanding and warmth and such support that should be in a relationship. And with that boy it happened when we were 19 years old.

Maybe I just don’t appreciate what I have! But for some reason it’s very lonely, there are girlfriends andhusband , but there is no close person with whom you could share everything secret that is in your soul. I understand that I chose all this myself and am happy, but for some reason it feels very lonely and painful.

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