Failures in love have made my heart cold and closed

Failures in love have made my heart cold and closed
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A long time ago I was a very good and obedient boy. I had long eyelashes and many girls noticed this and asked me to give them to them.

So I grew up, surrounded by attention from the weaker sex. Childhood passed very quickly, and finally adolescence arrived. I fell in love for the first time for real, this is exactly the period when you don’t sleep, don’t eat, but stare blankly at the ceiling and dream.

She was from a parallel class, the most beautiful, for me, in any case, and also an excellent student. I always ran out to recess, just to catch her eye for a second. Time passed, and everyone was afraid to approach her and confess my feelings, and only at the end of the school year I plucked up the courage and, choosing the right moment, talked to her. After listening to me, she simply shook her head, letting me know that I had no hope. She did it as if with regret, but it didn’t make me feel any better. I said nothing more and left, feeling my heart being torn into pieces.

It's been more than a year, I tried itforget , although it was very difficult for me, over time I came to terms with my fate. Soon a new student came to our school to study; she was a year younger and came from another city. When I saw her, I immediately realized that she was the dream of my life. I fell in love even more at first sight. This time, I acted more decisively and a week later I invited her to the cinema. To my great surprise, she agreed, and I was in seventh heaven.

After going to the cinema, I treated her to ice cream and walked her home. I didn’t sleep all night, but thought that as soon as I graduated from school, I would immediately marry her, I considered myself the happiest boy in the world. But less than a few weeks later, one day the girl no longer came to school; it turned out that she had gone back to her hometown. I walked home, covering my face with my briefcase, tears flowing down my cheeks, I was ashamed of it, but I couldn’t stop them. My heart was wounded once again, I experienced this sudden separation for a very long time, but the exams ahead distracted me and I again resigned myself to my fate.

Time passed, I graduated from school, joined the army, served and returned to my native land. I started working and studying by correspondence, and soon, quite by chance, I met a charming girl. She was so cheerful and cheerful, everything around her blossomed from her energy, these were the happiest days of my life. Soon she had to go further to study at her institute, I didn’t see her again. A month later she died from pulmonary congestion. Since then, I have not been able to love anyone else, my heart has become cold like Kai’s from a fairy tale, and everyone who decides to tie theirs with melife , I bring thempain , without even wanting it.

I don’t know what happened to me, but I no longer experience those feelings, that same flight of happiness. It is only because of physical proximity that I am attracted to women. Yes, I want to please them, give affection to them,Love . But for some reason, all this does not happen from love passion, but only because of sympathy or respect. Six months ago, I broke up with one woman who tried for a very long time to melt Kai’s heart, but could not. I couldn’t pretend and pretend that I loved him, and so I acted, maybe harshly, but honestly. Perhaps she will meet her true love, but I am doomed to live with shards of ice in my heart and beyond. This is mineconfession _

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