The daughter-in-law does not understand that she is destroying her family

The daughter-in-law does not understand that she is destroying her family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My son and daughter-in-law recently moved from another city, he found a job here, and he was very happy. When he first got married,his daughter-in-law persuaded him to go live with her in her homeland, but the town there was small and they soon realized that they needed to go back; there were much more opportunities to find a well-paid job in the capital. Natasha is on maternity leave, the child is 2 years old. My son works late, sometimes he has to work on weekends, and my daughter-in-law doesn’t like being alone all day.

They don’t want to send the child to kindergarten, my husband and I also work and cannot sit with our grandson, we only take him on weekends so that Natasha can relax and go shopping. But she constantly complains that the lady is always alone, that she is bored,her friends all stayed there and she already regrets that she agreed to move. I began to be jealous of myhusband , they check his phone, says that he communicates a lot with women at work (although there are very few women in their team), and that someday he will cheat on her.

I tried to talk to her that if she behaves like this, then he will not want to return home after work, where he will be constantly dissatisfiedwife with claims and accusations. I understand that she is tired of loneliness and idleness, but we can pay for the nanny ourselves, and let her go to work. But the daughter-in-law does not want to entrust the child to a stranger. I don’t see anything wrong with this; many people do this now. Nobody forbids her to invite her friends whom she met on the playground, but nothing can please her.

I’m afraid that the constant nagging of my husband will lead the family to disintegration, but this doesn’t dawn on her, no matter how hard I try to explain. The daughter-in-law continues to provoke her son, and I see that he is already tired of her whining. I am afraid thatthe family could break up, and I really don’t want that. I don’t want to take either my daughter-in-law’s or my son’s side. I want them to be together and everything will be fine for them. I love my grandson very much and don’t want them to return to live in that city again.

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