The daughter-in-law outsmarted herself

The daughter-in-law outsmarted herself
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

During my daughter-in-law's pregnancy, we all revolved around her, although there were no problems with her. Yes, it’s hard, but there are worse things to dopregnancy and women somehow cope, go to work, do household chores. Butmy daughter-in-law didn’t even make it to maternity leave, losing all her payments. The son then said that heThe health of the wife and child is more important. I didn't argue.

A little more than a year has passed since the birth of her granddaughter, and the daughter-in-law has become so tired and sick that she asked for a nanny, although her parents live very close by and are ready to help. I once told the matchmaker that men love healthy women, let him talk to his daughter. Moreover, she has no health problems. But the daughter-in-law is withoutmy husband (our son) cannot even leave the house. Either she feels dizzy or something else. He offered to be examined in a private clinic, but she did not agree, saying that doctors onlythey take money .

And nowthe son said that for now he lives only for the sake of the child, he is tired of the constant moaning and the whims of his wife. And I also noticed how he changed, became cheerful, which had not happened to him for a long time. I suspect that a “healthy” woman was found anddivorce is just around the corner. When it's menthe child stopped him from leaving the family.

I’m not happy, I understand that I will see my granddaughter less often, or even my daughter-in-law will completely ban her in order to take revenge. I still want to talk to her and her mother frankly, maybe it’s not too late.

What do you advise?

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