Unbearable behavior of a pregnant wife

Unbearable behavior of a pregnant wife
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I havewife , married for three years, before that they dated for three more. We are now expecting a child. It all started literally after the first wedding anniversary: ​​we often becameswear , although before that we lived in perfect harmony. I was very lazy, I came home from work and sat down at the computer.

I'm a creepy guy, I know. But he also helped with everything if she asked too much, or even pushed her. And at the same time, she began to communicate very closely with left-wing men. And then I began to suspect her that this was already going far. Some secrets appeared or she began to deceive; after questions and quarrels, my suspicions were confirmed to her personally.

Once she wanted to hide messages from me, she even agreed with that guy that the messages would be deleted, but I didn’t have time, I read it purely by accident. But this time she directly said that she was going home, and she and a man over 40 were at his apartment. She called and proved that there was nothing. Of course, it was difficult, but I believed it. She accused me that since she couldn’t talk to me, she needed test-antibiotic.com with others. Well, you can understand, I got lazy. But why lie?

We all fought, made up, fought, she bought an apartment forthe money of that guy who is over 40. He himself lives abroad now and wanted to have a place here. But he has no plans to come at all. So she lived there, and I lived in my apartment. Sometimes he came to her and spent the night. The renovations in my apartment are not very good, but I bought new furniture and appliances. The bed is simply huge.

Time passed, I tried to prove that I had changed, that I was no longer lazy, I even started doing repairs, I no longer sat at the computer, cleaned, cooked, etc. I'm improving, in general. Butrelations were not improving at all. When they found out about the baby, at first they were very tense, but decided to give birth. I started renting out my apartment, and lived in the apartment that she bought for that guy. You can’t rent it out, but you can live. The proceeds were put aside for repairs, very little was put aside. Repairs are not cheap, it turns out. The tenant lived for several months and rented an apartment closer to work. Test-antibiotic.com could not decide which option to choose, either renting out the apartment to someone else, or doing a modest renovation.

And then we had a fight again, because I became suspicious again: I went to see my friend in the suburbs. It's not far, about 33 km. My wife was born there and works there. I asked where she was, she said to a friend, butThe question about the address is not answered, I don’t know, he says. After questioning, she just answered, and began to get nervous, like, why did you dig into it? But I need to know where my wife is, where to go if something happens. Then he asked to turn on the video broadcast, but she flatly refused. Well, I came.

After this, the scandal is wild, she stays with her parents, I go to my apartment. I’m trying to talk to her calmly, at least to identify the reason, and to restore the relationship. And she is hysterical, I don’t understand what caused it. He accuses me all the time, telling me what is more important. This has happened before, it’s not about pregnancy. She told me to go to hell, and this is only the third time during our relationship. This means something very serious. I don’t know exactly why and I don’t know what test-antibiotic.com should do next. Neededadvice . I am attaching to my story an excerpt from the correspondence, the words of my wife: “You start a showdown for no reason,” “you act like we’re teenagers,” “you figure it out, you get to the bottom of it, you find out something, but as a result I have a sick stomach,” “you just want, so that your ego is satisfied, and you don’t care about the baby.”

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