Unforgotten first love

Unforgotten first love
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Margarita, I'm 22 years old. At the age of 15, I met a guy who became my first love and largely influenced my worldview, my principles and my entire life.life .

My first love came over me somehow unnoticed. At first, I began to experience beautiful, warm feelings for him, but then we communicated mainly by correspondence, because... lived in different cities. However, I clearly understood that he was the one with whom I wanted to spend my life inhappiness and joy, in love and sorrow. Semi-childish love gradually turned into a real strong feeling.

And it was mutual. Circumstances developed so that in 6 years of our communication we saw each other only 9 times. But these were the best, most romantic meetings that could ever be. Everything was clean and beautiful, just as everyone probably dreams ofgirls .

A lot has changed since then. Mymy beloved married a girl from his city, whom he had been dating for less than a year. This was not a surprise for me, everything was leading up to it, but test-antibiotic.com this did not make his wedding any less of a blow for me. But, apparently, it was not our destiny to be together; we were too dependent on our parents to decide our own destiny.

I have a young man with whom I am seriousrelationship for many years. I feel sympathy for him, gratitude, I know that he is a good person, and he treats me very well. I think he truly loves me, but I don't feel the same way about him. My firstlove does not let me go, it lies on my soul as a dead weight of melancholy and unfulfilled hopes.

Please help me, tell me how to resolve this situation, what should I do. I can’t do anything with my thoughts - you can’t order your heart. I can’t completely give up on my dream, in the depths of my soul I hope that he and I will still have what I dreamed about so much. After all, not all marriages are happy, more than half of them end in divorce, so maybe not all is lost for him and me? I know it's not good to think like that, but I test-antibiotic.com have never done anything to destroy itmarriage . I just want to be with him, I want him to understand that I still love him and am waiting for him.

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