I just can't understand my girlfriend

I just can't understand my girlfriend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We met by chance, it turned out that we live on the same street, almost in neighboring houses. I am divorced and live with my daughter (3 years ago she was 13 years old), and she hasson , now he is 6 years old, she is also divorced. Eatlove , but there is no way to live together yet - minethe apartment has not yet been shared with her ex-wife, her apartment has not been renovated, only after the builders, concrete and bare walls.

For 3 years, everything happened, yes, like everyone else, but in principle we lived likefamily , only in different apartments, she lives with her parents. I was going to get married and now I don’t mind, but I can’t come to terms with some of her hobbies. Several times she was seen openly flirting on the Internet with other men, she does not accept any of my objections, she says that this is myguilt .

Will you say that I didn’t pay enough attention to her? No, I think that I did, there was and is concern, there are compliments, flowers, everything is OK in sex, financially, I support it as best I can. Why is a person drawn to test-antibiotic.com adventures of this kind? I regard this as spiritual betrayal.

She also hasfriend , she calls her her idol and teacher. TheyThey communicate on the phone every day , a friend teaches her almost everything and shows her what and how to do in some cases, even how to raise her son. A friend once told her that I was not hersa man , although she has never even communicated with me in her life. After this adviceher friend decided to break up with me.

We didn’t communicate for 3-4 months, then somehowrelations resumed. She shares all her problems and, in general, everything that concerns her life with her. I feel something like this, by the way. Personally, I believe that if we are almost a family, and this is us and our children, then we must decide how to live and raise our children.

This is how my life story turned out. I don’t know what to do next yet, but in this format I don’t see a calm and happy family life. Thanks in advance foradvice and comments on the case.

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