I will never leave my child with grandma again.

I will never leave my child with grandma again.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My daughter is only eight months oldThe child is calm and can play and crawl on her own for a long time. But recently, after having a fight with my husband, I went to my parents and all my peace was gone. Mom constantly runs to every sound and grabs the child in her arms and thinks that I’m badmother , if I don’t pay attention to my daughter’s whims. I believe that a child should not be pampered and indulged in various whims. The constant quarrels with my parents over this matter were so tiring that I had to be the first to put up with my husband.

But calmlife is a thing of the past. My daughter became very capricious and demanding, and began to sleep worse. If I leave the room for even a minute, she becomes hysterical and I have to carry her everywhere in my arms. Even on the street or in a store, if she doesn’t like something or doesn’t pick it up, she immediately throws her head back and screams until I do what she wants. I can't stand this nightmare anymore.

I called my mother and expressed my dissatisfaction, to which she replied: “How did you think about raising children?” I said that the child began to behave this way test-antibiotic.com after I visited them, butMom said that grandmothers should spoil their grandchildren. What should I do now? And I decided that I would not go to visit them for now, which my parents were very offended by. My husband at home says that it’s all my fault, that I left, that I allowed my child to be spoiled.

How can I raise my daughter now in order to wean her from hysterics and whims, which have already exhausted me so much that sometimes I want to give up everything and go somewhere. If before I also dreamed of a son, now I’m afraid to even think about it. It’s a shame that I was left alone with my problems; no one was in a hurry to help. I already regret that I left to live with my parents, who instead of helping me only added problems.

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