Nobody wants to talk to me

Nobody wants to talk to me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am from Moscow. I don't understand why people don't want to communicate with me. I study at an institution where all (okay, not all, but many) students have similar interests.

No, I'm not being ignored. I communicate with some people who are happy to see me. But they don't consider me friends. They don't call me anywherebirthdays are not congratulated. I myself asked to attend all sorts of events, but they turned me down. I myself come up and start a conversation, try to make friends, but nothing works.

Others quickly find each other. Despite the fact that I am a very smart and interesting person, people are not drawn to me. At all. Nobody wants to communicate with me. For example, I approach a person and askquestion , I'm trying to set a topic for conversation. He answers quickly, and then it’s as if I’m not there, he doesn’t see me. I have no one to go out with and spend time with. Why, why is this so?

When I have free time, I walk around the city. But I’m frankly tired of walking alone. I can't share personal things with anyone. Two years ago (I was 15-16) I found an online friend from St. Petersburg, the same age. We never met in real life, he had never been outside the Leningrad region, and I myself could not come to St. Petersburg,My mother was afraid to let me go to the dacha by train alone. He supported me, spoke pleasant words, and then one day he began to be rude to me, take it out on me, and ban me.

I am a sensitive person and cried because of his behavior. At first he apologized, and then again he became hysterical constantly. A harmless topic of conversation turned into his psychosis, he immediately stopped communicating. I tolerated and forgave his behavior, since I had no one else to communicate with. He even demandedmoney forcommunication , but I didn’t send him anything. I even wrote to him asking him to forgive me. Our communication with him continued intermittently for 2 years. From himfriend , I found out that he insulted me behind my back, when he supposedly cared about me and said compliments: “nothing”, “nerd”. Finally, I decided enough was enough.

After some time, I met an online friend, also from St. Petersburg’s She rarely came to Moscow. And when she arrived, her parents put her ontreatment , she was forbidden to communicate with anyone except relatives. She also had no friends, she said that she was interested in me, that she would like to meet me. Towards the end of our conversation, she mentioned that she did not consider me a friend and that she no longer wanted to go out with me. I was offended by her and decided not to write to her. Then he said that I didn’t want to communicate either. And then she revealed that she had always considered me a notorious loser, a wretched person who communicated with me out of pity. She insulted me. At this point, I threw her into the emergency situation and deleted the correspondence. I am currently communicating with 4 online friends from different regions whom I have never met. I've been communicating with them for 3 years.

They are completely adequate and normal. One of them lives in the Lugansk region. My sister and I were supposed to come to Moscow to visit me, but the trip was canceled because of his Olympics. I wanted to come to me for the second time in the summer, but I entereduniversity ​I communicate more closely with the second, he is from the Odessa region. He has never been to Moscow or the Russian Federation in general. They won’t let him go anywhere alone, and neither will I. I would like to meet, but, unfortunately, we live very far away and it’s impossible to meet.

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