Is it necessary to forgive betrayal in order to save the family?

Is it necessary to forgive betrayal in order to save the family?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

WhatMy husband is cheating on me, I guessed before I knew it. I noticed how he changedattitude towards me and even the children. I began to irritate him just with my presence, I found fault with every word and action, I began to stay late after work, and on weekends he suddenly had important things to do and left home. And the lunch is not tasty, and I look older than my years, and my figure is not what it was before. It was very disappointing, but I still hoped to save the situation by pretending that nothing was happening.

I got a new hairstyle, started running in the mornings, although I have normal weight, I decided to make my figure ideal. I didn't want to find outrelationship , did not throw tantrums and scandals, put off talking to him until the right moment, was afraid that he wouldthe husband will have a good reason to leave the family. I reassured myself that I was enduring betrayal for the sake of the children, who had no idea about anything yet. All this was very difficult, I stopped sleeping normally at night, at work I became inattentive and irritable, for which I received a warning from my superiors,, that I could lose my job.

I didn’t share my problems with anyone, I didn’t want to upset my mother, and I was ashamed to admit to my friends that my husband was cheating on me. Sometimes I wanted to meet that woman, talk and see why I was worse than her, but, unfortunately, or fortunately, I didn’t know her. I don’t know how long I would tolerate it, but there were “well-wishers” who decided to open my eyes. These were our mutual friends, with whom we were family friends and went to barbecues together. I could no longer pretend that nothing was happening, so I decided to talk. At first the husband began to deny it, and when I said that I could prove it, he began to blame me for everything, saying that a husband does not leave a good wife for his mistress. I applied fordivorce .

Four years have passed since then. Imarried , has a little onedaughter , I am happy and to some extent grateful to those people who did not remain silent. Many people prefer not to interfere in someone else’s family and do not want to take on such responsibility. The ex-husband is still not married, he communicates with the children, at first he tried everythingreturn , but when I leftgot married , we stopped communicating completely. How it all would have ended then, I don’t know, maybe he would have gotten tired and everything would have gone back to the way it was before, or maybe one betrayal would have been followed by another. But what happened happened.

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