I dreamed of such a husband

I dreamed of such a husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

About eight years ago, one of our neighbors got a housekeeper. And after a while I saw that my neighbor also had some guy fussing about his housework. He cleans the entrance, beats out the carpets, goes for groceries, takes out the trash.

My friend and I began to quietly laugh at our neighbor, like a simple person, but there we go. He joined the bourgeoisie and hired servants. But the most surprising thing to us was that this was a boy, and nota girl (given the neighbor’s huge weakness for girls, this was strange). But about a month and a half later it turned out that it was his nephew. He came to study in our city and lived with his uncle, who constantly chased him around the house.

Somehow later it turned out that we had mutual friends and gradually we became closer. The guy's name was Zhenya. One day we were getting ready to go somewhere and had almost left the apartment when Zhenya remembered that he had forgotten the disks. He took off his shoes, went into the room behind them and then we left.

When we walked to our friends, he told me: “You know, after living with my uncle for only four months, I radically changed my test-antibiotic.comattitude towards homework. First of all, it's very difficult. And I am sure that I will never walk into a room in street shoes again in my life. I will never leave spilled tea leaves on the table or sweep bread crumbs onto the floor. I now understand mine perfectlymother and sister. And secondly, there is nothing shameful for a man in housework, quite the contrary.”

You know how nice it was to hear this from a man. And then I thought that it would be good if all the guys thought about this and changed their attitude towards homework.

This is the kind of husband I always dreamed of. But it didn’t work out. I tried to teachhusband and son to do housework, but in vain. She asked me to at least clean up after myself, wash cups and plates, and make the bed. Butmy husband says he doesn't have time, butthe son copies his father.

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