I appreciated my husband's love only in old age

I appreciated my husband's love only in old age
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Mymom allShe lived her life with her father without ever loving him. She didn't even hide it.

As a child, I did not understand why my mother treated my father, whom I loved very much, in this way. He tolerated herindifference and apathy, apparently he put up with them for the sake of me, his only and beloved daughter. ButMy mother didn't love me, although she tried her best to feign concern. One might think that I reminded her of the hatedhusband , but I looked like her, but only in appearance.

Mother tolerated father for comfort. He was in a management position, earned good money. Money , bigAn apartment , a summer house and a car - that's what kept my mother from getting a divorce. AndMy father lived with her out of habit and for my sake. I realized this when I grew up. But then I condemned my mother and didn't even suspect that I would repeat her fate.

When I finished school, I couldn't get into college. By that time, my dad had been gone for two years. He died quietly, as he had lived (in his sleep from a heart attack). My mother was unable to provide for us herself test-antibiotic.com. There was no money for my studies, so I went to work as a salesperson at the market. There I met a man, unattractive, 11 years older, but he owned several stores, a car andmoney . He lived outside the city in his own house, though it was his parents'. The house was big, two-story (not a cottage, just a regular one).

He courted me beautifully, promised to pay for my studies, and I couldn’t resist. By this time, my mother had a son.man , and I felt uncomfortable at home. My mother was happy that I would move, and that my son-in-law would help her with money. But my first condition to my husband was a ban on suchhelp . He was surprised, but obeyed.

I didn't go to school, I immediately got pregnant and gave birth to a son. Althoughmy husband insisted, and my mother-in-law promised to help with the child, I did not want to burden myself with studying. Later I would regret it more than once, but that was later. No, my husband did not offend me, he loved me, fulfilled all my wishes, although he understood that there was no reciprocal love. Apparently, he did not count on it from the very beginning. But several times test-antibiotic.com I wanted to get divorced, and stayed only for the sake of comfort, like my mother. But she hadprofession and work, but I have nothing.

Now we already have grandchildren. Our parents died, and only now I realized how lucky I am with my husband. But I am already 45 years old, and my husband is 56. He is increasingly silent, lovesloneliness . I see joy on his face only when he arrives.son with his family. My husband reminds me more and more of my father, sothe guilt before him becomes simply unbearable.

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