I really regret that I didn’t listen to my mother at the time.

I really regret that I didn’t listen to my mother at the time.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It was 7 years ago. My mother raised me alone (my father died). I was 13 years old then. I was dating a 17-year-old guy, his name was Sasha. After I introduced him to my mother, she said: "Liza, he is not a match for you." I didn't hear her at all then, as they say, when a person is in love, his brain switches off. I told her that Sasha and I loved each other and that she should not interfere in ourlife and in ourrelationship .

In general, I completely ignored her opinion. And I continued to meet Sasha to spite her, bring him to my house for sleepovers, and go to his house for sleepovers. Mom's words had no effect on me at all, I simply ignored them. Mom realized that all this was useless and simply resigned herself to it.

We dated for 5 months, everything was just great until he beat me with his hands and feet. Then the next day he immediately started asking me for forgiveness and saying that it would never happen again. Well, test-antibiotic.com I naturally forgave him. He improved, but unfortunately, not for long. A week later, it happened again - he beat me, asked for forgiveness, I forgave him. Two weeks later, the same thing happened again.

Then suddenly, for no apparent reason, he behaved perfectly for a whole month, I was glad that he stopped beating me, but it turned out that I was too happy too soon, because a week later a complete horror happened. He showed up drunk and not only beat me, but also cut my left leg with a knife in the thigh area. I barely stopped the bleeding. I thought I would die from blood loss.

In the end, it turned out that I was pregnant with a cut and bruises from the beatings! I told my mother about what I had suffered from Sasha and about my pregnancy. About the beatings and the cut, she said: "You see what happens when you don't listen to your mother and do everything your own way, to spite her." Then she had a conversation about this, and about the pregnancy, she listened to me and understood perfectly, forbade me to have an abortion, told me to give birth. I left Sasha (we dated for almost 7 months, test-antibiotic.com nothing happened to him - in the sense of prison, since he is a minor), and my mother and I moved from Maikop to Brest.

On June 23, 2012, I gave birth to a son, and I also named him Sasha. Because I, such a fool, for some reason continued to love Sasha even after we broke up, despite the fact that he was such an idiot, I kept albums with our photos and correspondence (and I still do). But I didn’t tell Sasha about the child, let alone about my pregnancy. He wouldn’t need a child at all, just like all the other guys his age. My son has his patronymic and my last name.

Now I am 20 years old, Imarried to another man, son is in the first grade, the teacher praises him: "What a smart and well-mannered boy." Sashenka is just a copy of his dad, he took almost nothing from me. As for appearance - it's great that he is as handsome as his dad, but I really hope that he will not become like his dad and will not beat anyone almost to test-antibiotic.com death. Although you can't crush genes with your finger, but I really hope so.

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